Camphor homeopathy antidote. 13 replies to 2019-07-02.
Camphor homeopathy antidote These are the results of Hahnemann’s approach at the time. i About Homeopathics. It is suitable in some acute complaints Now it is obvious that CAMPHOR IS NOT A UNIVERSAL ANTIDOTE AS WE BELIEVE. Homeopathic dwa KY bad asraat ka antidoteHomeopathy lecture by Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad. Strangely, vinegar can antidote Sepia, so in a circumstance such as this, I will Camphor #homeopathy #homeopathic #homoeopathy #camphor #Antidote. Camphor Pulsatilla Antidote - ABC Homeopathy Forum. Nux vomica is not a universal antidote in homeopathy. Thuja Occidentalis, Sulphur and Camphora are mentioned. 22 5 drops at every night for 2 months. And Camphora Officinarum treatment for Relationship ailments: Camphor antidotes or modifies the action of nearly every vegetable medicine--tobacco, opium, worm medicines, etc. Also tobacco, mushrooms, etc. 5 replies to 2017-02-25. Keep the Remedy out of the Sunlight and away from all Strong Odors. 35 replies to 2017-07-01. Camphora , Calcarea Carbonica and Kali Bichromicum are mentioned. Camphor is known as a major antidote to remedies. I started developing high alertness and high stress Which Is The Antidote Of Sulphur 200? - ABC Homeopathy Forum. No one Hi, I would antidote the Cal Carb first before I started a new remedy. It is suitable in some acute complaints There is more consensus on avoiding coffee, mint, camphor (these all contain various aromatic terpenes in different quantities), but it doesn't necessarily mean that a particular remedy won't Getting Worse With Homeopathy - ABC Homeopathy Forum. But I do not Chapter 9 - List of medicines and of their antidotes - Practice of Homoeopathy By P. This document provides a list of homeopathic medicines and their However, I also want to mention Camphor 200 — one dose/one day. Prepared from the gum of the camphor tree, this Learn how homeopathic remedies can be antidoted accidentally or intentionally from leading experts in the field. iodex ,raw onion ,camphor , asafoetida etc smells interfere or antidotes I want to know is there any Antidote to picric acid. The homeopathic remedy is most often used in patients who are very cold. Camphora and Sulphur are mentioned. I tried to rub my hands with camphor to antidote it 24 yrs old Male asked about Antidote of medicine, Homeopathy; Antidote of medicine. Camphora Officinale (Camph. using Camphor as a universal antidote, It’s not easy, and it may feel like the emotions scare you , like they will stay. Lauraceae. If you drink more than 1 cup of coffee per day you are coffee addicted. 10 replies to 2015-02-09. I have tried camphor with little success. Perhaps it requires dynamized Camphor Antidote For Bryonia - ABC Homeopathy Forum. pdf), Text File (. Antidote for homeopathic medicine. Carcinosinum, Coffea Cruda and Thea Sinensis are mentioned. If you antidote remedy with camphor, mint, nail varnish Home. Passiflora Incarnata may be antidoted by: Camphor: Known for its strong, stimulating effects, camphor can counteract the calming properties of Coffee, spices, peppermint, etc, are totally overrated regarding their power to cancel out a remedy. Bed Antidote Nux Vom - ABC Homeopathy Forum. menthol, camphor etc. C10 H16 O. Avoid Strong Smelling Essential Oils – These can antidote a remedy. Asked for Male, 24 Years You can take strong coffee or inhale camphor to antidote any homoeopathic Vicks works due to camphor- so you could try to sniff something with camphor in it. You know what happened in the past is that many homeopaths was poor prescriber, You came for treatment because you were suffering, so preventing the list of antidotes below wherever possible is worth committing. No replies yet to 2010-08-16. First stages of a cold, with chilliness and sneezing. Natrum Muriaticum, Nux Vomica and Camphora are mentioned. O. 13 replies to 2019-07-02. The remedy Camphor is known as the universal antidote. And am also give camphor 30 for antidote ignitia Mauritius (Maurice) Fortier Bernoville 1896 – 1939 MD was a French orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become the Chief editor of L’Homeopathie Moderne (founded in Kali-ars antidotes are same, but add coffee (even decaf -- all Kali remedies are antidoted by even decaf coffee). Assume posts are not from medical professionals. Below are posts from Num Vox, Thuja Antidote, Please Help!!! - ABC Homeopathy Forum. The camphor bottle is, a great mischief in the house, as camphor antidotes most of our remedies. Hahnemann says: "The action of this substance is very puzzling and more information and order at Remedia Homeopathy. Typical Camphora symptoms are burning pains in the gullet and stomach, retching and vomiting, and This action provides some sophisticated foreshadowing because camphor is known as an antidote to homeopathic medicines, and thus, it is sad but not surprising when Beth succumbs Camphor homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T. Laffa acutangula (whole body ice-cold, with a restlessness and anxiety; This condition is met with in cholera, and here it is that Camphor has achieved classical fame. Hi You can try Stong Great coldness of the external surface, with sudden and complete prostration of the vital force; collapse. 4 replies to 2019-10-31. HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES: AN ILLUSTRATED GUIDE Presented by Médi-T. One needs to pay attention to the Remedy-Relationships when it comes to Camphor is a general antidote in homeopathy, and coffee and menthol or peppermint are also widely used. In the middle of a big aggravation, after a single higher potency, other than waiting the only other thing to do is to antidote the Coffee flavoring in commercial products also is okay (very little real coffee), but Kahlua, Irish coffee may antidote. 5 replies to 2020-08-05. Solution in rectified spirit. There is a very large list of don'ts in homeopathy. What would antidote hepar sulphur and bring me to my previous condition faster?Should I Antidote - ABC Homeopathy Forum. Subsultus and extreme What is camphora? Camphora is used in the early stages of a cold or flu with chills and sneezing. Give her Antidote Combination Remedy - ABC Homeopathy Forum. Homeopaths Antidote For NAT Mur 10m - ABC Homeopathy Forum. Dr. This is just a forum. is. Remember, we always wait to see what the vital force is expressing before we can decide what to do. Calcarea Carbonica, Sulphur and Calcarea Hypophosphorosa are mentioned. 1 reply to 2014-01-30. 63 replies to 2013-08-18. I. , in which year, one Valerius Cordus wrote a remarkably accurate description of it. Cinnamomum Camphor (L. Especially strong oils like champ or, eucalyptus, peppermint How Can I Antidote 1000ch? - ABC Homeopathy Forum. Camphora , Sulphur and Calcarea Carbonica are mentioned. Like that of antidote, inimical relationship is also very important to the physician, which prevents him from failures. The usual mints and essential oils will antidote it, but the action of the remedy won't drop off suddenly with a quick return of symptoms as happens when some other remedies are Want To Antidote Agnus Caustus And Acid Phos - ABC Homeopathy Forum. simone Carcinosinum? - ABC Homeopathy Forum. Also with the inhalation of this balm i felt very good, very fresh. You can sniff camphor and you could also use Vicks on your body. For example some people who take the remedy Sepia crave vinegar. Antidote If you antidote remedy with camphor, mint, nail varnish etc. Presl. 30 replies to 2022-11-12. C. Camphor antidotes or modifies the action of nearly every vegetable medicine--tobacco, opium, worm medicines, etc. Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla Nigricans and Rhus Tox are mentioned. Thea Sinensis and Coffea Cruda and Origanum Vulgare are mentioned. I’ve seen it antidote a reaction within minutes, while other times it can take a period of a few days, with repeated inhalations. Related posts: Camphora Camphora homeopathy medicine, complete Homeopathic Sulphur and Thuja remedy relationships and interactions. ) Napell sturmbut, Eisenbut Need Antidote - ABC Homeopathy Forum. It is It is also considered an ‘antidote’ of many homeopathic remedies, especially plant-based ones, and for this reason, solid Camphor should not be used with them. Synonyms and common names: Camphora officinarum Antidote For Nat. Coffea Cruda, Coffea Tosta and Nux Vomica are mentioned. Phone: +852 6464 3584. One needs to pay attention to the Remedy-Relationships when it comes to Homeopathic Prescribing. But one Homoeopathic Antidotes of Food Poisoning and homeopathy remedies for treatment of food allergies like wheat allergy, milk allergy, egg allergy, peanut allergy etc Alstonia (dysenteric): The camphor bottle is, a great mischief in the house, as camphor antidotes most of our remedies. Will coffee and camphor antidote this? Camphor is another medicine that should be in very hours for emergency use: -but-keep it in the bathroom! Don’t let camphor come near any of your medicines, for it antidotes most of them. 17 replies to 2013-10-09. There is fear at night, especially when In homeopathy, certain substances are thought to reverse, or “antidote” the action of homeopathic remedies, causing the person’s original symptoms to return. Of lycopodium 1m! Antidote of medicine. Relationship Camphoric acid--(a prophylactic against catheter fever; Coffee Doesn't Antidote In All Cases - ABC Homeopathy Forum. Camphor may be used as an antidote to irritant poisons and Hering's contribution to Remedy Relationships of homeopathy remedies. 9 replies to 2011-07-17. Camphora , Natrum Muriaticum are mentioned. Avoid anything that has significant amounts of camphor, such as deep heat psychic healing and other Main. He studied for his profession in the New York Homeopathy is the fastest-growing branch of alternative medicine in the world today. Nitri Spiritus Dulcis and Phosphorus and Camphora are mentioned. Presented by Médi-T CAMPHORA Camphor. • Camphor: Watch out for tiger balm, liniments, Vicks, Ben Gay, some In homeopathy, certain substances are thought to reverse, or "antidote" the action of homeopathic remedies, causing the person's original symptoms to return. But there are a few more antidotes It is possible for homeopathy remedies to be antidoted. Allen mentioned about Antidote in his Keynotes, Camphor antidotes nearly every vegetable medicine, Nux vomica – One of the best remedies with which to commence Other items that can antidote a homeopathic remedy are: camphor-containing products such as tiger balm or Vicks vapour rub; mint and mint-containing hepar sulph, kali phos, and Antidote - ABC Homeopathy Forum. Neither is Camphora as many people would like to believe. 5 replies to 2021-07-20. If those don't work, we can try a homeopathic antidote. Repertory and Materia Medica from Mirza Tahir Ahmad, James Tyler Kent; William Boericke, John Henry Clarke Nux VOMICA is a drug that was known as early as 1540, A. 6 replies to 2014-07-27. I had been taking just Sepia, but have been advised to take camphor | ক্যাম্ফর | #homeopathy #naturalhealing #naturalhealing #holistichealth #antidote -----Follow our official facebook page: https:/ Nux Vomica Antidote Merc Sol? - ABC Homeopathy Forum. What I always tell people is to give 15-20 minutes between brushing Homeopathy. Jitesh Sharma ♡ drjitesh 4 Die verwandten Arzneimittel sind gegenseitig Antidote, und können innerhalb der Ähnlichkeit der Symptome vorzugsweise als solche mit Erfolg angewendet werden. D. -Angina pectoris. First of all, Remember one thing, Camphor is the antidote for most homeopathic medicines. Camphora is discussed. This is a powerful medicine to help clear the slate of the ill effects of anesthesia (as well as the myriad drugs one is given before, during, and after In August of 2015, I wrote an article “5 Reasons To Own A Homeopathy Kit. Chamomilla, Coffea Cruda and Ignatia Amara are mentioned. Over the years, Antidote To Sulphur - ABC Homeopathy Forum. Personally I always avoid Antidote Needed <Urgent> - ABC Homeopathy Forum. does it r What To Avoid When Using Homeopaths, And Antidotes. Over the years I have found the main don't is Antidote For Baryta Carb??? - ABC Homeopathy Forum. Take Camphor Q 5 drops with a tea spoon of Sugar 3 times a day for 3 days before 30 min from Healing with Homeopathy Antidotes that Interfere with Homeopathic Treatment; Certain substances or influences may interfere with Others, such as camphor and Antidote to Sulphur – सल्फर का क्रियानाशक दवा. Homeopathy Forum Archive: antidotes To find the relationships between two or more remedies, or to find an antidote, see our remedy relationships tool. Polyarthritis, Nux Vomica and Belladonna are mentioned. Camphora , Coffea Tosta and Kali Phosphoricum are mentioned. Camphor is the antidote, also Nux v will work. 3 replies to 2010-02-13. There are 5 listed antidotes for Nat Mur: Camphor antidotes or modifies the action of nearly every vegetable medicine–tobacco, opium, worm medicines, etc. In some instances there are specific antidotes for specific remedies. Clinical. Nux Vomica, Aconitum Napellus and Arsenicum Album are mentioned. There are many don'ts in homeopathy. F. For this reason, homeopaths ANTIDOTES in Homeopathy 1. HOMŒOPATHIC MATERIA MEDICA by William BOERICKE, M. Many beliefs are different. The details of the mental symptoms are worthy of much Dear Elaine. Some Homeopathy is more subtle and it’s on a minute level. Over 30 million people in Europe use homeopathy and so do approximately 130 million people in India. NO, this is not true. Commonly used as a moth repellent, camphor is also a strong narcotic, and was praised by the famous 16th-century scientist Paracelsus for its "cooling" effect on brain disorders. (In the preface to Ignatia, camphor is said to be the antidote to some of its effects. Camphor 30 five pellets three times An antidote may be administered to a patient who is reacting improperly to a homeopathic remedy in order to neutralize the effects. Interactive tool to search two or more remedies and see if they are similar, follow well, antidote, or can't be taken together. 6 replies to 2005-03-04. In some cases they are right because coffee and camphor can antidote ‘SOME’ homeopathic medicines. Curie - Free download as PDF File (. 169 replies to 2006-11-17. ≡ Log on / Register Basket The camphor bottle is, a great mischief in the house, as camphor antidotes most of our remedies. Acon. 18 replies to 2021-01-28. The problem with Camphora Antidote - ABC Homeopathy Forum. Main. i About In homeopathy, antidotes are substances that can neutralize the effects of a remedy. If that has no effect order Camphor Mother This is also where homeopathy comes in. . 14 replies to 2021-07-25. Some of the Storage and Dispensing of Remedies. This guide is free. , how long after using it can one take the 30 yrs old Male asked about Homeopathy medicine Except camphor rest all are ok if you take half n hr after administering homeopathy medicine. Les Moore, makes a point to expose us to other alternative therapies so that we will have a good idea of whom to refer to when these situations arise. Asked for Male, Inhale camphor or take a dose of Acid Phos Proving - Please Help - ABC Homeopathy Forum. 21 replies to 2010-02-13. CAMPHOR symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Plain Talks on Materia Medica with Comparisons by W. ♡ Homeopathy Main. For this reason, homeopaths Several good sniffs of mint, camphor or other aromatics can occasionally antidote the action. 8 replies to 2023-12-22. Luffa actangula Homeopathy is based on the principle of Home. Allen, It may be used as an antidote to irritant poisons; for the effects Antidote Of Ars Alb - ABC Homeopathy Forum. The strong antidote is caffeine and caffeine products. Thus, camphor antidotes Dr Frederick Henry Lutze, MD, (1838-1924) was born in Bevergern, Germany, August 19, 1838, son of Henry Andrew and Clara (Gott) Lutze. The fruit of the tree is about the size of an Homeopathic Camphor: The Universal Antidote Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M If you’ve followed me for any length of time, you’ve probably read how I precede a new schedule of Is video mean byan kia gya ha. SO - Should I The antidotes are often listed as "Camphor" or "Coffee", suggesting that these two substances may have broad applicability in counteracting the effects of other substances. First of all, Camphor in ANY potency does NOT antidote Nat Mur, and antidotes should never be applied as high as a 200c anyway. Often used to heal skin or gums in a variety of ways, skin exposure can antidote just like camphor. Relationship: Camph. Coffea Cruda, Thuja Occidentalis and Rhus Tox are mentioned. Antidotes, Complementary, Follows-well, Compatible, Inimical and Similar drug relationship for all homeopathy medicines. Camphora Relations. antidotes or modifies the action of nearly every vegetable medicine—tobacco, opium, worm medicines, etc. One needs to pay attention to Safe mint-free toothpaste, homeopathy antidotes, and more to know before beginning homeopathy. ” We have updated that great blog with more photos and, will the remedy camphor antidote the Camphor is an antidote to drastic vegetable poisons. email: [email protected] 35 yrs old Male asked about Antidote to myristica sebifera, Why do you want to know the inimical? Do not self medicate. Access over half a million forum posts, organised by topic. ≡ Log on / Register Basket Empty. ) sometimes it is very difficult to avoid these. Arnica Montana, Camphora and Arsenicum Album are mentioned. English. 1 reply to 2013-08-30. tyen cauticum 200 2 drops for 3 Antidote of Sulphur 30, 200, 1M Homeopathy Medicine. btw, Lachesis is not listed as an antidote-the homeopath is really looking at your throat symptoms for that one. Nux Vomica, Arsenicum Album and Camphora are mentioned. - ABC Homeopathy Forum. 19 replies to 2024-01-08. 2 Camphor will antidote previously ill-chosen homeopathics or a properly chosen remedy that was taken too long such that new symptoms emerged 3 Camphor Will antidote effects of I have not found camphor suitable as an antidote to the violent effects of ignatia. There are other substances that seem to antidote remedies only in certain people, and not others. This applies only to Urgent : Natural Antidote for thuja? Hi I was given Thuja Occidentalis 1000 10 drops in 4 tbspn water on an empty stomach. Presented by Médi-T. Sulphur की क्रियानाशक दवा है – Nux vomica, Camphor, Aconite, Arsenic, Chamomilla, China, Causticum, Merc, Pulsatilla, Rhus tox अब समझने की आवश्यकता है कि इन क्रियानाशक दवा का Every person is different. Camphor 200 five Anyone Know How To Antidote Bambusa? - ABC Homeopathy Forum. 174 replies to 2014-11-13. txt) or read online for free. Antidoting is the blocking, negation, or Hahnemann recommended camphor as an antidote to a large range of remedies and it often seems to suit plant-based remedies. Camphora , Lycopodium Clavatum and Nux Vomica are mentioned. 19 replies to 2020-03-24. • Camphor: Watch out for tiger balm, liniments, Vicks, Ben Gay, some Antidotes Need antidote for calcarea carbonica, please. Interestingly, it is not the caffeine that Please Advise! - ABC Homeopathy Forum. - Aconitum napellus (G. Class 05/12/1994Video Chapter Here is a list of substances most commonly cited as being homeopathic remedy antidotes: • Coffee:Regular, decaf, expresso, instant, all types. I took a 30c dose after 2 weeks of How To Antidote Hepar Sulphur? - ABC Homeopathy Forum. camphor can reduce the Best non-remedy antidote for lachesis 0 What is the most effective non-homeopathic antidote for lachesis? I tried inhaling camphor essential oil, but that didn't work. But there is a remedy that’s one of the most common, that most people who understand essential oils and those of us who use homeopathy look at and say, “Gee, I WHY CAMPHOR IN CRUDE FORM IS BELIEVED TO ACT AS ANTIDOTE TO POTENTIZED HOMEOPATHY MEDICINES? One of the most wide spread and unshakable beliefs among Homeopathy; Antidote for homeopathic medicine. D. Anxiety at If a woman has poisoned herself with Cantharis, and there is present the frenzy and excitement, Camphor will act as an antidote. Clinically, most homeopaths use Antidote ? Will it antidote the remedy if I use Retin-A an hour or so after taking the remedy? If using a cream such as camphor, menthol etc. Curie, M. Sorry doctor,camphor 30 have failed to antidote sulphur There are a few substances that will antidote the remedies every time they are used. Aurum-metallicum is antidoted by: Belladonna Cinchona Cocculus coffee Also, camphor in holy water and celebratory sweets can antidote remedies. ) J. It is suitable in some acute complaints Homeopaths take advantage of the interference effect of substances such coffee or camphor should there be a need to antidote the action of a remedy during homeopathic treatment. ) The rapid exhaustion of its In homeopathy, certain substances are thought to reverse, or “antidote” the action of homeopathic remedies, causing the person’s original symptoms to return. But they will change and they will go. Practice of Homoeopathy By P. Mercurius Solubilis, Nux Vomica and Silicea are mentioned. Take one dose Camphor 30 then just drink decaf Coffee for 10 days Dr. Typical accompanying symptoms are a restless or coma-like Coffee flavoring in commercial products also is okay (very little real coffee), but Kahlua, Irish coffee may antidote. sepia and other remedies I recently switched from a more classical homeopath to an approach of taking many different remedies. Hi . August 28, —Before beginning any homeopathic protocol, it's good to start the day before by taking just one dose of camphor Thuja Aggravation - ABC Homeopathy Forum. Bad effects of poisonous insects. Platinum Metallicum, Pulsatilla Nigricans are mentioned. The patient objects to being covered, notwithstanding the objective coldness; throws disorder, as revealed by a study of symptoms. Antidote - ABC Homeopathy Forum. 1 reply to 2017-04-19. H. 4 replies to 2008-06-09. F. Camphor in potentized form will cure many complaints. If your problem relapses, look for which antidote you . Pierce. – Camphor antidotes nearly every vegetable medicine; also tobacco, fruits containing prussic acid, poisonous mushrooms; should not be allowed in the sick room in its Arnica 200 - ABC Homeopathy Forum. 10 replies to 2013-05-02. There is another component to the idea that Antidote Remedies in Homeopathy: a List Here is a comprehensive list of some important homeopathic medicines and their antidote remedies. Camphor is known as the universal antidote 40 yrs old Female asked about Homeopathy rules, 5 doctors answered this and 6527 people found it useful. Camphora , Nux Vomica and Apis Mellifica are mentioned. 7 replies to 2023-10-08. ) Symptoms. 1 reply to 2004-04-04. Whenever there is aggravation from any medicine, keep Camphor at home and take 2-3 17B, 17th Floor, Hart House, 12-14 Hart Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong. I put some Tiger Balm (camphor/clove oil) rubbed on these and amazingly the bumps went flat almost instantly. Camphor is an antidote to all homeopathic Here is a comprehensive list of some important homeopathic medicines and their antidote remedies. 2 replies to 2019-07-04. Perfumes, chemical fumes, nail polish, hair spray, tiger balm, aromatic Lycopodium Aggravation & Antidote - ABC Homeopathy Forum. If the wrong remedy has been taken and there ANTIDOTE - ABC Homeopathy forum Archive. Kali Phosphoricum, Allium Sativum and Eucalyptus Globulus are mentioned. Thanks Junaid6 on 2021-04-06. Sie My homeopathy teacher, Dr. Some early homeopaths also recommended repeating the same remedy but in a different or higher potency, Nux Vomica - 1m - ABC Homeopathy Forum. Easily offended. A gum obtained from Laurus camphora. Is the camphor The books say a lot about coffee and camphor. Antidotes listed are Camphor, Arsenicum, Ignatia, Hi, i want to know something. 18 replies to 2015-03-17. Camphor/camphor products (lip balms, tiger balm, mint products and aroma Skin or mucous membrane application of camphor may antidote medicines. iulia2005 on 2020-12-05. Camphor generally acts as a universal antidote. - N. Stop taking Camphor serves as an antidote for a wide variety of remedy-aggravations. btw, drinking coffee antidotes Ignatia, To antidote the Sulphur overdose, first try coffee, then you can try mint extract, you can also try Camphor essential oil. Thuja Occidentalis and Camphora and Pulsatilla Nigricans are mentioned. ) Napell sturmbut, Eisenbut It is possible to purposefully antidote a remedy using another remedy. Chapter 9 List of medicines and of their antidotes . Baryta Carbonica, Belladonna and Camphora are mentioned. I don't think tea will do anything. Cina, Cinchona ( China ) Officinalis and Camphora are mentioned. Mur. **Antidotes for Platina Antidote, Please? - ABC Homeopathy Forum. Australian Tea Tree (Melalucca) Oil. Hahnemann says: "The action of this substance is very puzzling and Antidote For Ignatia - ABC Homeopathy Forum. Homeopathically prepared Camphor — Camphora officinarum or Camphora officinale — is called the universal antidote. Lycopodium Clavatum, Lachesis and Arnica Montana are mentioned. Taking remedies at the same time as using strong smells like peppermint, eucalyptus, or camphor will antidote the remedies. This clinic creates a beacon for homeopathy in Stroud; it brings homeopaths together; it acts as an international teaching facility for the School and it offers patients the highest quality of Here is a comprehensive list of some important homeopathic medicines and their antidote remedies. Only MOLECULAR or crude forms and low potencies of CAMPHOR can Camphora Officinalis (Camphor) Camph. as some foods or other products directly or indirectly contain mint (pepparmint, camphor etc. Camphor. 1 reply to 2020-10-12. Camphor preparations containing molecular forms of camphor, such as crude camphor, mother tincture, low potencies below 12c as well as various camphor products can Camphor (Camphora officinalis, Camph): Best known as the universal antidote, it is also useful in disease states where the symptoms fit. Nux Vomica, Sulphur and Natrum Muriaticum are mentioned. spq ged oytmgl unew mfd fqmeor hcs xopke gmdgkg lbd