Cc by license Common license terms are that you are allowed to share and adapt/modify the work, as long as you provide attribution (i. ATTRIBUTION: CC BY = This license lets you distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon the original work, even commercially, as long as you credit the original creation. Link to CC-BY-ND license. At the time of writing you are expected to make the work openly and freely accessible via the gold route using a CC-BY license (the most open license) OR make the author accepted manuscript openly available in a repository using a license which doesn’t limit non-commercial reuse (the green route to open access). 0 license instead: Deed - As the general licence of Wikipedia, CC BY-SA is one of the most important and widespread CC licences. CC BY is often The Creative Commons is a collective source for digital media that can be used immediately at no cost. CC BY-NC,. Public Domain All Creative Commons license versions may be used with all copyrightable works (though CC recommends against using its licenses for computer software). 0 license instead: Deed - Creative Commons-BY License. This work is a CC0 Public Domain Dedication. See the CC licenses page for more explanation of the This includes other CC-licensed material, or material used under an exception or limitation to copyright. If you are licensing your own work , we strongly recommend the use of the 4. 0 International This includes other CC-licensed material, or material used under an exception or limitation to copyright. IOP Articles published under the gold open access model are currently published under a CC BY licence, unless the article is published by an ECS journal. . This page aims to give a primer on CC licenses in general and to be a quick reference for choosing PLOS applies the Creative Commons Attribution 4. While the licenses are widely seen as symbols of Notice This is an older version of this license. This site uses cookies to improve your experience and to help show content that is more relevant to your interests. A distinctive feature of CC’s licensing infrastructure is ensuring that it is comprehensible to both humans (the Commons Deed) and machines (the metadata) as well as enforceable in a court of law (the Legal Code, which is the actual Notice This is an older version of this license. Learn more about the elements, options, and examples of CC BY and other CC licenses on the Creative Commons A Creative Commons (CC) license is one of several public copyright licenses that enable the free distribution of an otherwise copyrighted "work". See examples of how researchers choose the best license for their work and why. Attribution is required by MIT, SIL OLF, and CC BY licenses. Learn more about our work Learn more about CC Licensing Support our work Use the license for your own material. 0 license instead: Legal Code - Title? "Creative Commons 10th Birthday Celebration San Francisco" Author? tvol - linked to his profile page Source? "Creative Commons 10th Birthday Celebration San Francisco" - linked to original Flickr page License? CC BY 2. Number of Creative Commons licensed works as of 2017, per State of the Commons report. 0 International License (CC BY-NC 4. 0 license instead: Deed - Attribution-NonCommercial 4. Permits almost any use subject to providing credit and license notice. 0 International While the CC license played a minor role in some of the cases, in others the court has held the defendant liable for copyright infringement for failing to follow the CC license terms. All articles published by MDPI before and during 2008 should now be considered as What's eligible for a Creative Commons licence? You can only mark your uploaded video with a Creative Commons licence if it's all content that you can licence under the CC BY license. cite). If the licensor’s permission Reproduction is permitted for noncommercial purposes". Například licence CC BY (Attribution) dovoluje sdílet (šířit) dílo a vytvářet Creative Commons-BY License. 0 license instead: Deed - Want to license your work with Creative Commons, but not sure where to start, or which license is right for you? Use our license chooser! Explore CC; Global Network. 0 zároveň požadují, aby byl uveden název materiálu, pokud je znám, a mohou mít i další drobné Fonts — SIL OFL 1. Attribution: CC BY. Who We Are; What We Do; Licenses and Tools; Blog; Support Us; Search; Donate; Explore CC; Global Network. About the license and Creative Commons 知识共享组织("Creative Commons","知识共享") 不是一家律师事务所,也不对外提供法律服务或建议。提供知识共享公共许可协议(Creative Commons Public License,以下缩写为CCPL)并不导致"律师—当事人"关系或其他法律关系的建立。 Notice This is an older version of this license. Der Lizenzgeber kann diese Freiheiten nicht widerrufen solange Sie sich an die How to use the CC License Chooser. If you need more help, we’ve outlined the best practices for attribution on the CC Wiki. [1] [2] Creative Commons -lisenssijärjestelmä sisältää eri ominaisuuksia, joita yhdistelemällä luodaan seitsemän erilaista lisenssiä. Other Creative Commons licenses allow for three possible restrictions to be imposed in addition to the requirement for attribution. Code — MIT License In the Font Awesome Free download, the MIT license applies to all non-font and non-icon files. Even so—and this is where the “BY” comes into play—others must attribute you as the original author and creator of the published work. The CC BY license is the most permissive, allowing people to use or adapt a work for any purpose, including commercial purposes. Notice This is an older version of this license. 0 license instead: Legal Code - Prior to this date, authors had the option to select from CC-BY or CC-BY-NC-ND licenses, and articles accepted before the change may be published under these terms. Permissible Uses: The music may be used and monetized in connection with creative projects (e. Find out how to apply a CC license to your work using CC's License Chooser, HTML code, or platform-specific tools. Giấy phép Creative Commons là một số giấy phép bản quyền ra đời vào ngày 16 tháng 12 năm 2002 bởi Creative Commons, một công ty phi lợi nhuận của Hoa Kỳ thành lập vào năm 2001. Layaknya CC BY, kamu boleh menyebarkan, mencampur, menurunkan, serta mengadaptasi karya terkait. What matters here is the use to which the work is being put, not the user: one has to consider whether the use is for a commercial CC BY: This license allows re users to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, so long as attribution is given to the creator. The CC BY license is the most popular and open license provided by Creative Commons. An image appears in a newspaper article. As The Attribution license or “CC BY” allows people to use and adapt the work for any purpose (even commercially) as long as they give credit to the creator. ) provided it is an integral part of the project and is Want to license your work with Creative Commons, but not sure where to start, or which license is right for you? Use our license chooser! Explore CC; Global Network. We therefore offer a CC BY license for authors who indicate that their work is funded by agencies that we have confirmed have this requirement. Distributing, displaying, or linking to this deed or the license that it CC BY Strengths. 0 embossK is licensed under CC BY-SA 3. There is an easy, standard way to format the attribution of a CC-licensed work. Creative Commons -lisensseillä jaat osan tekijänoikeuksiasi ja annat haluamasi vapaudet teoksen käyttäjälle, katsojalle tai kokijalle. We serve scholars from around the world to ensure the latest research is freely available and all content is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). Such works include compilations of data that exhibit the requisite level of creativity for copyright protection under applicable law. All images of public-domain works in the Met's collection are openly available under Creative Commons Zero (CC0). 0, you must indicate if you modified the material and retain an If you need to comply with your funding body policy you can apply for a CC BY license after your manuscript is accepted for publication. Licensers, who would like their content to be uploaded onto Wikipedia, or would like to combine it with Wikipedia content, are advised to use CC BY-SA. 0. 2) If you are using an online platform, use the built-in CC license tools to mark your work with a CC license. With the CC-BY SA the new creation would need to carry the same license, which may be different from the TOS license granted by a third party sharing platform (you mention Vimeo). Therefore, to answer your question, they are compatible. Inilah yang dimaksud dengan SA alias ShareAlike. 0 license. CC BY-NC-SA CC协议(A Creative Commons License)的中文叫做知识共享许可协议,是允许他人分发作品的公共版权许可之一。2002年12月16日,美国非盈利性组织Creative Commons首次发布了CC协议。4. Check directly with the journal to find out. Become an expert in creating and engaging with openly licensed materials. 1 License In the Font Awesome Free download, the SIL OLF license applies to all icons packaged as web and desktop font files. It is the authors' responsibility to ensure the licence selected complies The CC-BY license is a general, permissive license, requiring only attribution. This is a great attribution for when you have created an adaptation This work, "90fied", is adapted from " Creative Commons 10th Birthday Celebration San Francisco " by Timothy Vollmer , used under CC BY 4. , CC BY-ND or CC BY-NC-ND) when making such modifications. The Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), of which CC BY 4. 0 International (CC BY) license, or other comparable licenses that allow free and unrestricted use, to articles and other works we publish. Nah, ketika kamu mengubah karya dengan lisensi ini, hasilnya harus diberi lisensi yang sama persis. Distributing, displaying, or linking to this deed or the license that it Notice This is an older version of this license. Creative Commons. This is often the preferred choice for journal articles, particularly in science, technology and medicine, as it allows other researchers to make full use of the Using a CC license, an artist can, for example, invite the public to share their work or mash it up (on certain conditions). 0 Licenses 4. For more information, see Searching for repositories. CC licenses don't require you to contact the creator before you use their work. The list below sets out whether you need to obtain permission to reuse work published under any of these licences. User may not use the content for commercial purposes. Learn about the CC-BY license, which allows you to share and adapt works with attribution. Many of the lessons found on Khan Academy are openly licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA. Compared to previous versions, the 4. The license may not give you all of the permissions necessary for your intended use. 0 and GNU General Public License v3. You will retain all the rights granted to you under the terms of your Journal In most cases, the CC license will specify that you need to "provide attribution" (aka cite), but even when the CC license does not specify that you must provide attribution, Seneca Libraries recommends that you still do so. It is important to note that not all Creative Commons licenses are the same - both the Related to CC-BY license. The license allows for It is the most restrictive of the CC licenses, and only allows you to redistribute the original work for non-commercial purposes, without changing it in any way. The Creative Commons license chooser provides HTML annotated with CC REL, while the Creative Commons deeds recognize CC REL on web pages with works offered under a CC license, and use this metadata to Notice This is an older version of this license. 0 license instead: Legal Code - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4. CC BY is a license that allows reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, so long as attribution is given to the creator. 1. 3: License Types from Creative Commons under CC by 4. "90fied CC BY: Attribution License Description: The CC BY license is the most open option in the Creative Commons suite. If you need media for a project, the Creative Commons can help. ccライセンスは三つの要素によってその効果を保証しようとしています。 第一に、法律に詳しくない人でもライセンスの主な内容がすぐに理解できる簡潔な説明文が「コモンズ証」で、同じ内容を法律の専門家が読むために法的に記述した「利用許諾」(ライセン The following descriptions of the Creative Commons licenses come from About the Licenses by Creative Commons and are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4. 0 también requieren que brinde el título del material si se suministra, y pueden tener otras License: “CC BY-ND 2. Other licenses may be added to this list at any time according to the established process and criteria. The image may be credited in a caption (better), or at the end of the page (good) as follows: Red substance in half-filled test tube by Horia Varlan. This license is often compared to “copyleft” free and open source software licenses. Note that there are multiple Creative Commons licenses with important differences. Lisensi Creative Commons mensyaratkan pengguna ciptaan untuk mendapatkan izin untuk menggunakan tindakan yang menurut hukum membutuhkan izin dari pemberi lisensi dan tidak dinyatakan di dalam lisensi yang digunakan Creative Commons (CC) and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI) are collaborating to promote the use of the CC BY 4. Select one of the 6 CC license types using the ProQuest ETD Administrator site when you submit your thesis. Licence předcházející verzi 4. For ECS journals, authors have the ability to Notice This is an older version of this license. This includes other CC- licensed material, or Notice This is an older version of this license. All new works based on yours will carry the same license, so any CC-Owned Code: All of CC’s software code is free software; please check our code repository for the specific license on software you want to reuse. . The six license types are outlined in the table below. The material can be freely shared, redistributed, transformed, built upon and adapted for any purpose, but not for any commercial use. At the chooser, simply answer a few questions, fill in the fields you need, and receive an already formatted HTML code. The original work should have a link to the license under which it was released. Exclusive License has the meaning set forth in Section 3. We ask that authors enter their funder(s) during Creative Commons не является юридической фирмой и не оказывает юридические услуги. Global Summit. More considerations for licensors. Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4. Public Domain A license designated as a “BY-NC-SA Compatible License” as defined in BY-NC-SA 4. For example, other rights such as publicity, privacy, or moral rights may limit how you use the material. Some examples of such licensable content are: Your originally created content; Other videos marked with a CC BY licence; Videos in the public domain A CC BY license permits you to freely use the material in your own projects—including commercial projects—without having to pay royalties or release your project under any particular license. 0 license on preprints. Распространение, показ или предоставление ссылки на это краткое описание или на лицензию не создает отношений Biểu trưng Creative Commons Video này giải thích cách sử dụng giấy phép Creative Commons cùng với các thỏa thuận cấp phép thương mại. Visit our Web site at creativecommons. The CC BY-NC-ND is the most restrictive, prohibiting adaptations and allowing only noncommercial uses of a work. Access a transcript of the graphic. g. , videos, podcasts, events, voicemail messages, films, radio plays, etc. CC-BY-NC-SA: Non Commerical and Share-Alike clauses ensure any derivative material must also be shared under a Non-Commercial license. 0 International CC licenses prior to Version 4. CC-BY-NC-ND License. As noted Licensing: CC-Owned Content: Other than the text of Creative Commons licenses, CC0, and other legal tools and the text of the deeds for all legal tools (all of which are made available under the CC0 Public Domain Dedication), Creative Commons trademarks (subject to the Trademark Policy), and the software code, all Content on the Websites is Notice This is an older version of this license. Thus, it is preferable to publish the work with a dual license, adding to the GFDL a license that permits use of the photo or text easily; a Creative Commons license, for example. The full legal code explains your rights and responsibilities. Las licencias CC anteriores a la versión 4. We license entire books under CC-BY and CC-BY-SA licenses, we license our illustrations similarly and even photographs and other publicity material too. In March 2005, CC Korea was initiated by Jongsoo Yoon (in Korean : 윤종수), former Presiding Judge of Incheon District Court, as a project The GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL) is not practical for most content, especially for printed media, because it requires that they be published along with the full text of the license. Open access content has to be freely available online, and through licensing their work under CC BY authors grant When you search by a family license, your results will include all licenses in that family. Help us build products that maximize creativity and innovation Find the appropriate license for your work with Creative Commons License Chooser. Join a global community working to strengthen the Commons. Creative Commons licenses give every person and organization in the world a free, simple, and standardized way to grant copyright permissions for creative and academic works (publications); ensure proper attribution; and allow others to copy, distribute, and make use of those works. Find out the requirements, protections, and limitations of this license, and how to Learn the differences and benefits of CC BY, CC BY-NC, and CC BY-NC-ND licenses for open access articles. If the licensor’s permission CC BY 4. By licensing your research outputs under CC-BY, Figshare ensures that your research is openly available whilst still ensuring that others give you credit, in the form of a citation, should they use or refer to the research object. Not recommended for software. 0 International “Arranged Diatoms on Microscope Slides in the California Academy of Sciences Diatom Collection” by california academy of sciences geology is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2. Public Domain List 4. Patent License means any written agreement granting any right with respect to any invention on which a Patent is in existence or a Patent application is pending, in which agreement Borrower now holds or hereafter acquires any interest. 0 license (USD) CC BY‑NC‑ND 4. This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the Footnotes return to reference crédito de manera adecuada — Si se suministran, debe brindar el nombre de la creadora y de las partes atribuidas, un aviso de derechos autorales, una nota de licencia, un aviso legal, y un enlace al material. As part of Many publishers allow preprints to be deposited with a CC BY license. It requires that others credit you as the original author when using your work. Learn more about Creative Common licenses. Under the CC system, creators tell other people how their works can be used by marking it with a CC license. NC means that the work may only be used for non-commercial purpose. e. 6. 0 IGO) license and may be used for commercial and non-commercial purposes, provided there is no adaptation of the codes and the work is appropriately cited. Lisensi kedua bernama CC BY-SA. More info and examples Best Practices for Attribution from the Creative Commons The Creative Commons Attribution License is the most permissive of the six main licenses created by the Creative Commons project (Licenses/CC-0 effectively releases a work into the public domain). Distributing, displaying, or linking to this deed or the license that it Under a CC BY license, others can share, modify, and expand upon your work, both for commercial and non-commercial purposes. 0, you must indicate if you modified the material and retain an This work embossK is a derivative of Glasgow-kelvingrove-museum-1 by Thyes is licensed under CC BY-SA 3. Read about one such decision in this summary. Distributing, displaying, or linking to this deed or the license that it The license may not give you all of the permissions necessary for your intended use. Want to license your work with Creative Commons, but not sure where to start, or which license is right for you? Use our license chooser! Creative Commons Menu. It requires only attribution. We are aware that some authors, as a condition of their funding, must publish their work under a Creative Commons license. 0 International CC BY (Creative Commons Attribution License) Allows others to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format and remix, transform and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. Find out what CC BY means, how it enables re-use, and how to apply Learn the basics of CC licenses and CC0, and how to decide which one is best for your work. 0 is the most recent version, was developed to facilitate open access as defined in the founding documents of the movement, such as the 2003 Berlin Declaration. When applying a CC license to a work: 1) Use the CC license chooser to determine which CC license best meets your needs. 0 - linked to license deed. The most liberal Creative Commons license is CC-BY, which allows for unrestricted reuse of content, subject only to the requirement that the source work is appropriately attributed. Link to CC-BY-NC-SA license. Detecting a license 知识共享(Creative Commons, 简写CC)通俗来说,知识共享是一种对作者发表的作品(论文发表也是一种带有知识产权归属的作品),规定其他人在未来通过什么方式可以被重新分享(例如引用,再加工,再演绎)。在投稿 CC licenses contain language prohibiting licensees from the use of effective technological measures (including DRM) to prevent access to licensed material: ”You may not offer or impose any additional or different terms or conditions on, or apply any Effective Technological Measures to, the Licensed Material if doing so restricts exercise of CC BY (Creative Commons Attribution License) Allows others to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format and remix, transform and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. Creative Commons makes its licenses and related information available on an "as-is You cannot rely on a CC license that does not allow adaptation (e. A CC license is used when an author wants to give other people the right to share, use, and build upon a work that the author has created. MDPI's portfolio comprises at least 237 journals with impact factors, 72% of which are ranked in the top 2 quartiles of their respective fields. Openly licensing preprints enables researchers and readers to benefit from rapid dissemination, rigorous review, and equitable contribution to scientific knowledge that doesn’t require paid access to exclusive research journals. This option is best for authors who prefer or must publish articles under the terms of a Creative Commons license that allows others the right to use the final published article (the Version of Record) only for non-commercial purposes, but not to modify or alter the published work. 3. 0 license and may be used under the following additional conditions: 1. 0 International. Notice Creative Commons is not a law firm and does not provide legal services. A work licensed in this way grants all the four freedoms listed in the definition of free cultural works: The freedom to use and perform the work: The licensee must be allowed to They are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3. With CC-BY licensed content, you are able to modify, re-distribute and even make commercial usage of it. Browse the list of licenses by language and version Get help choosing the appropriate license for your work. In NC licenses, non-commercial is defined as “not primarily intended for or directed towards commercial advantage or monetary compensation” (see, e. Distribution of Creative Commons public licenses does not create a lawyer-client or other relationship. Empowering open science principles, practices, and "Defining 'Noncommercial'", a 2009 report from Creative Commons on the concept of noncommercial media. You simply have to follow the conditions of the CC BY license and the only condition that is particularly noteworthy is the requirement to provide Creative Commons is the nonprofit behind the open licenses and other legal tools that allow creators to share their work. Sie dürfen: Teilen — das Material in jedwedem Format oder Medium vervielfältigen und weiterverbreiten und zwar für beliebige Zwecke, sogar kommerziell. Under CC BY, anyone can share, copy, redistribute, adapt, remix, transform, and build upon your article—even for commercial purposes—without asking What is Creative Commons? (or try the excellent Get CC Savvy course here at School of Open) You don’t need to register your work – just pick a license! Make sure your work is copyrightable; Make sure you have the rights; Make sure you understand how Creative Commons licenses operate; Be specific about what you are licensing Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA): This license others to copy, distribute and remix the material in any medium or format, even commercially, as long as the creator is attributed. What it means for VaM: You can modify CC BY content and/or include CC BY content as a dependency or packaged in the custom folder of your The Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), of which CC BY 4. BerbagiSerupa terinspirasi dari GNU General Public License, digunakan pada banyak proyek perangkat lunak bebas dan terbuka. This is a list of notable works available under a Creative Commons license. In contrast to CC’s licenses that allow copyright holders to choose from a range of permissions while retaining their Using Creative Commons Licensed Materials What is Creative Commons Creative Commons (CC) is a non-profit organization created to facilitate the sharing and use of creative works. Kamu juga bisa menggunakannya untuk kepentingan komersial. Most Karger Open Access articles are distributed under the default license, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4. Creative Commons (CC) is an international nonprofit organization dedicated to helping build and sustain a thriving commons of shared knowledge and culture. CC provides an author flexibility (for example, they might choose to allow only non-commercial uses of a give Learn about the six main CC licenses that creators can use when publishing their work under CC terms. Legal enforceability is one of the key features of CC licensing. The recommendation is that the ODC‑By license be retired and its use replaced by the Creative Commons CC‑BY‑4. During 2008, MDPI journals started to publish articles under the Creative Commons Attribution License and are now using the latest version of the CC BY license, which grants authors the most extensive rights. 0). 0 . There are six main types of Creative Commons licenses. For example, when you use the query license:gpl, your results will include repositories licensed under GNU General Public License v2. 0”—with a link to the license deed; How you attribute authors of the CC works will depend on whether you modify the content, if you create a derivative, if there are multiple sources, etc. If you submit your paper for publication by PLOS, you Except for the limited purpose of indicating that material is shared under a Creative Commons public license or as otherwise permitted by the Creative Commons policies published at , Creative Commons does not authorize the use of the trademark "Creative Commons" or any other trademark or logo of Creative Commons without its prior written What Is Creative Commons? Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that works to increase the amount of creativity (cultural, educational, and scientific content) available in “the commons” — the body of Getting a Creative Commons license is easy. John, the Creative Commons license will always stay with the licensed material. However, if you're not sure whether the use you have Footnotes return to reference uvést autorství — Pokud jsou následující informace známé, musíte uvést: jméno autora a spoluautorů, informace o autorských právech, informace o licenci, prohlášení o vyloučení odpovědnosti a odkaz na dílo. Open access content has to be freely available online, and through licensing their work under CC BY authors grant A CC license, once applied to a work, is irrevocable, although a creator may choose to stop distributing the material at any point. Users are free to copy, adapt, remix, and redistribute the content. About the license and Creative Commons Creative Commons Corporation ("Creative Commons") is not a law firm and does not provide legal services or legal advice. In September 2009 Creative Commons published a report titled, "Defining 'Noncommercial'". By requiring attribution and nothing else, your CC BY work will be easy for others to adapt and build upon. As mentioned earlier, a common type of license used in open access journals and with preprints is a Creative Commons-BY (CC-BY) license. Every one of Wikipedia's 55 million plus articles are shared openly and freely using a CC license. Bearbeiten — das Material remixen, verändern und darauf aufbauen und zwar für beliebige Zwecke, sogar kommerziell. Considerations for the public By using one of our public licenses, a licensor grants the public permission to use the licensed material under specified terms and conditions. 0 International license. This license allows the reader to share or adapt a resource, as long as they clearly credit the original author. Voittoa tavoittelematon Creative Commons-järjestö julkaisi ensimmäiset lisenssit 16. Together with an extensive member network and multiple partners, we build capacity, we develop practical solutions, and we advocate for better open sharing of knowledge and culture that serves the public interest. Used under a CC-BY 2. The Met 492,000+ images. That recommendation comes from Open Knowledge Foundation research coordinator Danny Lämmerhirt, whose employer originally developed and published the NC means that the work may only be used for non-commercial purpose. The licenses are based on four conditions: Attribution, ShareAlike, NonCommercial, Find the legal tools for sharing your work with different license options, such as by-nc-sa (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike). Global Network. CC BY-NC-SA . Our documentation is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution The music by Sascha Ende is subject to the CC BY 4. 0 International Copies provided via a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license. Works available under a Creative Commons license are becoming more common. Thus, to the extent compilations of data are protected by Most Open Access publications apply a Creative Commons license to specify rights and permissions associated with the article, building on copyright. Article Publishing Charge (APC) As an open access journal with no subscription charges, a fee (Article Publishing Charge, APC) is payable by the authors, or their institution or funders, to cover the costs Notice This is an older version of this license. You can easily add a CC license notice to your website by visiting the CC license chooser. 0 license instead: Deed - Attribution-ShareAlike 4. What matters here is the use to which the work is being put, not the user: one has to consider whether the use is for a commercial A license designated as a “BY-NC-SA Compatible License” as defined in BY-NC-SA 4. 0 by GW GLAS The above is good attribution because the following elements were included: Original Title, the author, Source and License are all included If you alter or build upon our data, you may distribute the result only under the same licence. By using this site, you agree to the use of cookies by Flickr and our partners as described in our cookie policy Creative Commons Korea (CC Korea) is the affiliated network of Creative Commons in South Korea. org and click “License Your Work. Creative Commons is the nonprofit behind the open licenses and other legal tools that allow creators to share their work. User must give appropriate credit to the creator(s). Khan Academy 100,000+ lessons. 0 also require you to provide the title of the material if supplied, and may have other slight differences. Open Source. If the user chooses to remix/build upon the work, it must be distributed with the same license. This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under identical Adapted from The Creative Commons Certificate for Educators and Librarians section 3. Follow the steps to select the license based on attribution, commercial use, derivative works and sharing Learn how to comply with Wellcome's open access policy by using the CC BY licence for preprints and research articles. More info return to reference indicate if changes were made — In 4. 0 license in all situations where an attribution license is required (Lämmerhirt 2017). Contact the creator if you have any questions. Frequently used for media assets and educational materials. Considerations for the public: By using one of our public licenses, a licensor grants the public permission to use the licensed material under specified terms and conditions. The Creative Commons license chooser provides HTML annotated with CC REL, while the Creative Commons deeds recognize CC REL on web pages with works offered under a CC license, and use this metadata to When applying a CC license to a work: 1) Use the CC license chooser to determine which CC license best meets your needs. 0 license instead: Legal Code - By licensing your research outputs under CC-BY, Figshare ensures that your research is openly available whilst still ensuring that others give you credit, in the form of a citation, should they use or refer to the research object. 0: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike This license allows reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, so long as attribution is given to the creator. Certificate. 0 license instead: Deed - CC licenses contain language prohibiting licensees from the use of effective technological measures (including DRM) to prevent access to licensed material: ”You may not offer or impose any additional or different terms or conditions on, or apply any Effective Technological Measures to, the Licensed Material if doing so restricts exercise of Licence Creative Commons vznikají kombinací několika základních vlastností, které popisují, jaká práva si chce držitel autorských práv podržet a jakých si přeje se vzdát. How do I apply the CC license to my thesis? To apply a CC license to your thesis, indicate it in the following two places: 1. [2] The report featured survey data, analysis, and expert opinions on what "noncommercial" means, how it applied to contemporary media, and how people who share You can usually find the CC license on the page where you found the work. CC BY-SA 4. The Attribution-ShareAlike license or “BY-SA” allows people to use and adapt the work for any purpose (even commercially), as long as they give credit to the creator and make any adaptations they share with others available under Licence Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (česky Creative Commons Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci), často označovaná zkratkou CC BY-SA, je jedna z copyleftových licencí neziskové organizace Creative Commons. Over the last year we have been building the foundations for a social publishing model – where we curate communities that are passionate about reading and help us create content. Citation Rules: Note to Students: Seek clarification from your instructor on how they would like you to cite and which rules to follow. Our legal tools are free to use. 0, you must indicate if you modified the material and retain an Become an expert in creating and engaging with openly licensed materials Global Summit Attend our annual event, promoting the power of open licensing バージョン4. Image credit: The license types logos, and the CC logo, are from the Creative Commons downloads web page, used under the CC Trademark Policy. Currently, no non-CC licenses have been designated as compatible with BY-NC-SA 4. Creative Commons Licensing. Search and Attribution Tools : On some of its Websites, Creative Commons provides website search tools, including CC Search, which return Content based on license information our search tools are able to locate Creative Commons (CC) -lisenssi on avoin lisenssi, joka mahdollistaa tekijänoikeuden alaisten töiden jakamisen jakamisen ja käyttämisen avoimesti. , CC BY-NC 4. Get help choosing the appropriate license for your work. And the other four licenses are CC BY-SA,. The Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms. Apply the license code if possible, or copy / paste the text and links provided. Join a global community working to strengthen the Commons Creative Commons Our Work Relies On You! Help us keep the internet free and open. Consider the CC-BY-NC-SA licenses to avoid this scenario. State license means a license issued by the department Notice This is an older version of this license. This is the most accommodating of licenses offered. 0 license (USD) CC BY after 12 months (USD) CC BY‑NC‑ND after 12 months (USD) Standard Pricing: $4,500: $4,000: $2,500: $2,000: Please note: there is no charge for publishing in ACS hybrid If you need help answering these questions and choosing a license, you can try the CC License Chooser quiz. Dává čtenářům práva ke kopírování, redistribuci a modifikaci díla; vyžaduje, aby všechny kopie a odvozeniny byly k dispozici pod stejnou licencí Use this infographic to understand the various CC licenses and their terms. 0 IGO (CC BY-ND 3. The following video from CC New Zealand is a great five minute introduction to all the parts of a CC license. Creative Commons licenses are made up of four conditions that can be mixed and matched to create six different license combinations. 0以前のCCライセンスでは、資料のタイトルが示されている場合にはそれも提供することを要求しており、他にも細かい違いがある The most common license for Open Access scientific publications. Once a license has been added to this list, it will not be removed. Downloads from other sites may not conform to our standards and may result in improper display or use of our protected logos and trademarks. This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work (even commercially) as long as they CC licenses prior to Version 4. This is often the preferred choice for journal articles, particularly in science, technology and medicine, as it allows other researchers to CC logos and trademarks should always be downloaded from this page to ensure high quality. Chooser. Home / Licenses; Creative Commons Attribution 4. Help us build products that maximize creativity and innovation Find content you can share, use, and remix. Above ideal attribution example, "Best Practices for Attribution" by CC is licensed under CC The license may not give you all of the permissions necessary for your intended use. It has the additional requirement that, where a user makes a derivative of the material, the derivative must be released under the same type of licence. This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work (even commercially) as long as they Notice This is an older version of this license. You do not need to include the full text of the license when you reproduce a CC-licensed work. If you want to take CC0 licensed content, you can re-license it under CC-BY. 0 versions of all CC licenses are more user-friendly and more internationally robust . ” Notice This is an older version of this license. When you click on the CC image license it will indicate what you are allowed to do. Licenses List Public Domain List CC licenses prior to Version 4. The base layer of your license building blocks is always going to CC BY. 0版本发布于2013年11月25日。 Add a Creative Commons license to your photostream. The licenses also come in three formats: human-readable, lawyer-readable, and machine-readable. Attend our annual event, promoting the power of open licensing. 0 International ccライセンスのしくみ. Use the Creative Commons license builder for easy generation of a standard attribution.
Cc by license. While the licenses are widely seen as symbols of .