Fu berlin bwl starting your search in English-language top journals, which you can access via the FU Berlin . Monday to Thursday: 9. Haase, Responsible Researcher, and all other faculty members and researchers in the field of marketing work closely together. Christian Meske) 01/2018 – 04/2018 Strategieagentur Advisory / Accounting Centre of Excellence, Berlin and Frankfurt, Management. In addition to the services offered by the School of Business & Economics, The Latin words veritas, justitia, and libertas, which frame the seal of Freie Universität Berlin, stand for the values that have defined the academic ethos of Freie Universität since its founding in December 1948. ab 06/2024: Professor und Vorstandsmitglied am Einstein Center Digital Future, Berlin: ab 2020: gregory. Member m. 1973-1979 Graduate and postgraduate studies of Business Administration at Freie Universität Berlin (Dipl. One of the largest universities in Germany, Freie Universität Berlin can offer a broad and interdisciplinary program of study. Professor Jackson’s research examines how corporate governance is influenced by diverse organizational and institutional contexts. 12. The registration is done by the Career Service (careerservice@fu-berlin. 2(4), pp. 00-15. Tel. shishi. Its ultimate goal is to foster the creation of technology based innovation in interdisciplinary teams. In my research, I leverage lenses from organization and management theory (OMT) such as temporality, performativity, and institutional theory to study how actors strategically envision and realize future visions, Address: Garystraße 21 — Room 307/308 14195 Berlin Office: Isabella Winter. " Garystr. Homepage; The School; Business Administration; Finance, Accounting and Taxation; Accounting and Auditing (Prof. 132-152. werner@fu-berlin. Whether you are interested in quantum computers, folktales from Information for exchange students studying at the School of Business & Economics. 14195 Berlin. de Abayomi Baiyere Copenhagen Business School Department of Digitalization Howitzvej 60, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark aba. Man kommt schnell in Kontakt um Fragen zu klären oder eine Lerngruppe zu bilden. Betriebswirtschaftslehre (BWL) umfasst, beschreibt und analysiert Aufgaben und Strukturen der Betriebe und ihrer Funktionsbereiche, funktionsübergreifende Beziehungen von Unternehmen As one of Germany’s top universities, Freie Universität Berlin offers over 150 degree programs in a wide variety of disciplines. Since 10/2020: Professor of Business and Service Marketing at Freie The Latin words veritas, justitia, and libertas, which frame the seal of Freie Universität Berlin, stand for the values that have defined the academic ethos of Freie Universität since its founding in December 1948. Email Since October 2005, the Marketing Department at the Freie Universität Berlin is a hub of teaching, research, and continuing education activities in the field of Marketing. EU 7th Framework Intra-European Marie Curie Fellowship BusinessplanLab@FUB (BWL, 6 ECTS) X Career Preparation Courses (Allgemeine Berufsvorbereitung, ABV) Grundlagen der Betriebswirtschaftslehre: X E-Business (ABV) X BusinessplanLab@FUB (ABV, 5 ECTS) X Net Economy - Case Study in the International Learning Network The Latin words veritas, justitia, and libertas, which frame the seal of Freie Universität Berlin, stand for the values that have defined the academic ethos of Freie Universität since its founding in December 1948. 1978: Diploma, Ruhr-Universität Bochum 1984: Doctoral Studies, Ruhr-Universität Bochum 1992: Habilitation, Ruhr-Universität Bochum 1992 - 2020: Professor at Freie Universität Berlin Since 2004: Visiting Professor at the European School of Management and Technology (esmt), Berlin 2006 - 2007, 2009 - 2010: Dekan of the Economics facult, Freie Universität 1 . . E. de) zur Verfügung. Its key purpose is to make significant scientific contributions to current topics important for leveraging the creative and dekan@wiwiss. 120 hrs. digi@cbs. Diese Seite. Professor, Department of Management, School of Business and Economics, Freie Universität Berlin, since 2021. Auf diesem Kanal erfahrt ihr alles rund um das Studium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Volkswirtschaftslehre an anja. Sumrin has studied Social Policy at the London School of Economics Teaching Assistant. sydow@fu-berlin. Kliewer. helfen@fu-berlin. Homepage. liu@fu-berlin. Welcome to the web pages of the Professor of Human Resource Management and Labor Politics (“Personalpolitik”) at the Department of Management, Freie Universität Berlin. Wir freuen uns sehr auf den Vortrag und zahlreiches Erscheinen! Ort: HS 107 (Garystr. de Sumrin Kalia is a researcher and lecturer for civil society organizations at Department of Management at FU Berlin’s School of Business and Economics. The examination board decides on the recognition of internal examinations. 2016 – 2019 DHBW Ravensburg Campus Friedrichshafen. Otto, B. Garystr. Since 12/2017. schiltenwolf@fu-berlin. fochmann@fu-berlin. /Schmidt, T. jana. School of Business & Economics . German sources from reputable scientific journals, books or book chapters may also be suitable for your topic. kliewer@fu-berlin. Eng. 299-321. Garystrasse 21 Room 302 14195 Berlin. Jörg Sydow – Curriculum Vitae . Berlin, in press. Betriebswirtschaftliche Steuerlehre (Business Taxation) Adresse. , please contact studienkoord-bwl@wiwiss. News. 20 (Room 225) 14195 Berlin, Germany Tel: +49-30-838-53783 Fax: +49-30-838-56808 Informationsmanagement (B. Shishi Liu. BMWi-Projekt Blockchain Additional Information. Homepage; The School; Business Administration; Finance, Accounting and Taxation; Department of Finance, Accounting and Taxation. martin. Sprechstunde. Responsibilities: Student counselling; Quality control of student counselling; Chair organisation and external communication; Frederik studies Business Administration with a focus on controlling, audit and strategy, and is currently in his fourth semester. By appointment. Secretariat. Carlo Schmid Fellow, Project Coordination Unit, OSCE Conflict The Latin words veritas, justitia, and libertas, which frame the seal of Freie Universität Berlin, stand for the values that have defined the academic ethos of Freie Universität since its founding in December 1948. B. de). In the same year he attended the PhD-program "Applied Microeconomics" at Humboldt-University and Free University Berlin, obtaining a second PhD in 1995. /Mai, J. marketing@wiwiss. The Latin words veritas, justitia, and libertas, which frame the seal of Freie Universität Berlin, BKP Berolina GmbH & Co. Possible variants of the internship (based on 40 hours per week full-time) 5 crredits. 21, 14195 Berlin Hs 105 The Latin words veritas, justitia, and libertas, which frame the seal of Freie Universität Berlin, stand for the values that have defined the academic ethos of Freie Universität since its founding in December 1948. Before joining the department in 2023, Sumrin was a post-doctoral fellow at the Institute for Global Prosperity at University College London (2021-2023). 21 Raum 335 14195 Berlin. 2020 to 2023: Financial Freie Universität Berlin Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft Department of Finance, Accounting, Controlling and Taxation Professor. Research Fellow, Department of Management, School of Business and biblatex-bwl – Bib L a T e X citations for FU Berlin The bundle provides a set of Bib L a T e X implementations of bibliography and citation styles for the Business Administration Department of the Free University of Berlin. 21, 14195 Berlin Hs 105 Freie Universität Berlin School of Business and Economics Department of Finance, Accounting, Controlling, and Taxation Professor. PhD student and scholarship holder of the China Scholarship Council. Arnimallee 11 Room 115 14195 Berlin. International - Studying at FU; Advising: Everything about your Studies at a Glance; Study Funding; Events for students and prospective students; Bachelor's Degree Programs at Freie Universität Berlin; Email: frederik. /Zacher, H. D. Primo). Leonie Böhm, B. 2008-2010 University of Bath, School of The Latin words veritas, justitia, and libertas, which frame the seal of Freie Universität Berlin, stand for the values that have defined the academic ethos of Freie Universität since its founding in December 1948. The Latin words veritas, justitia, and libertas, which frame the seal of Freie Universität Berlin, stand for the values that have defined the academic ethos of Freie Universität since its founding in December 1948. Homepage; The School; Business Administration; Department of Information Systems; Home; Chair of Information Systems - Prof. Since October, 2005, the Marketing Department at Freie Universität Berlin has been a hub of teaching, research, and continuing education activities in the field of marketing. Socio-Economic Review (in press). – Where: Freie Universität Berlin, School of Business & Economics, Henry-Ford-Bau, Garystr. 12. The Co-Working space is the first room next to the stairs on your right-hand side. hua@fu-berlin. Monday to Friday: 9. "Net Economy" participation certificate. Short Biograph. Z) Since May 2021, we are a excited to take part in Berlin’s new K. kirsch@fu-berlin. Academic Background . Office hours. 21, D Member of the Excellence Council of the Freie Universität Berlin, since 2010 Member of the advisory board of the Max-Planck-Institute for the Study of Societies in Cologne, 2010-2017 Akademischer Werdegang. fu-berlin. The reason for this is that a substantial part of the studies should be completed at the FU. Gersch covering the research focuses listed below. 00 pm The Latin words veritas, justitia, and libertas, which frame the seal of Freie Universität Berlin, stand for the values that have defined the academic ethos of Freie Universität since its founding in December 1948. Legal Form: Freie Universität Berlin is a statutory body under public law in accordance with §§1 and 2 of the Berlin Law Relating to Institutions of Higher Learning (Berliner Hochschulgesetz, BerlHG). david. Wir sind der Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft der Freien Universität Berlin. 5; DET (Duolingo English Test): 135, Cambridge English Qualifications: 191. The application will be forwarded to the lucas. Please note any special application modalities for your 1st priority. For the quality of your literature research, it The Junior Professorship of Management aims at advancing knowledge on human behavior at work. Our current areas of research include corporate governance, sustainability, diversity management, and other aspects of employment relations. Thielallee 73 Raum 312 14195 Berlin. Telefon +49 30 838 54 175. International - Studying at FU; Advising: Everything about your Studies at a Glance; Study Im Folgenden finden Sie eine Übersicht aktueller Publikationen der Mitarbeiter:innen des Marketing-Departments. Laura-Sophie Heuer +49 30 838 54645. Gastvortrag: Unternehmensbewertung – Zwischen Perspektiven, Konzepten und Technologie. Sounds und städtisches Handeln aus den Peripherien von Rio de Janeiro und Berlin, bbooks, Berlin, pp. de Hannes Rothe Freie Universität Berlin School of Business & Economics Garystr. Telephone +49 30 838 65031. Deisner, J. auschra@fu-berlin. KG, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, CiS Forschungsinstitut für Mikrosensorik und Photovoltaik GmbH, CrysTec GmbH, Emerson Process Management GmBH, Ferdinand-Braun-Institut – Leibniz-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik (Projektkoordination), Fraunhofer-Institut für Optronik, Systemtechnik und Bildauswertung IOSB, Fraunhofer Since October 2005, the Marketing Department at the Freie Universität Berlin is a hub of teaching, research, and continuing education activities in the field of Marketing. Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics. -Kfm. 12249 Berlin Im Fokus: Personen mit Migrationshintergrund“ [Findings of the project Diversity and diversiy management in Berlin companies – focused on persons with a migration background], presentation together with Renate Ortlieb; Violetta Freie Universität Berlin Management-Department Professur für Personalpolitik Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin. Please also take notice of our disclaimer. de Telephone: +49 (0)30 838 70000. 00-17. Email. 00 am - 12. Insbesondere die Übungen sind interaktiv und Bachelor students at the FU Berlin may earn up to 15 credit points in the GPP competence area "Organization and Management". Prof. Telefon +49 30 838 53046. The Professors Eggert and Raithel, along with Dr. Here you will find detailed information about our study programs. markus. Upcoming Events. Student assistants of the Marketing Department. Additional . 00 h Friday: 9. 09/2003 – 03/2005. and S. This course permits students to learn how technological innovations can be developed on the basis of current trends, new technologies ls-bresser@wiwiss. de FU Berlin / Berlin University Alliance (Excellence Initiative / Excellence Strategy): Research Forum: New Health: Ethical challenges through digitalization ( https://research. Info-Counter Mensa II Otto-von-Simson-Str. seit 04/2024: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Postdoc), Marketing-Department, Freie Universität Berlin 02/2024: Dr. Freie Universität Berlin Chair or Data-driven Accounting and Auditing Thielallee 73, 14195 Berlin (Germany) EDUCATION 02/2015 - 03/2021 Ph. 2003 - 2005 Advisory / Accounting Advisory Services, Berlin. Researcher in the project "www. de Address: Garystraße 21 — Room 307/308 14195 Berlin Office: Isabella Winter. I. Böhm (2006) ‘The people’ and resistance against international business: The case of the Bolivian ‘water war’. In: Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, Vancouver, Canada (in press). Persons for Contact: Catharina Werner E-Mail: catharina. Thielallee 73 Raum 109 14195 Berlin. rothe@fu-berlin. Telephone +49 30 838 52493. We at DEH span the boundary between the FU Berlin and startup ecosystems in Berlin, the EU, and the rest of the world; We at DEH closely collaborate with other stakeholders from the startup ecosystem (including new ventures, corporates & other multiplicators) Current Project Scaling AI Ventures (K. Since 2018, I am a Junior Professor of Management and Diversity at the Department of Management at Freie Universität Berlin. (3) an up-to-date Transcript of Records. In the first phase, the program is characterized by a broad range of fundamental courses in the areas of business Course Catalog for 2024/25 Winter Semester Classes for the 2024/25 Winter Semester start on October 14, 2024, and end on February 15, 2025. Award. Startup Villa: Altensteinstraße 40, 14195 Berlin. Möller, Junior Professor, Dr. leonie. de via email. Our research focuses on the development and application of remote sensing technologies and geospatial analysis to understand environmental processes and changes with a focus on forests and urban trees. ls-flickinger[at]wiwiss. 21) 09. Thursday, 14 - 15 h. (2022): All set in stone? How and why essentialist beliefs about aging affect older workers’ motivation to continue Freie Universität Berlin. Academic Career. Homepage; The School; Business Administration; Department of Information Systems; Department of Information Systems. /Braun, T. 21 14195 Berlin Room 332. Researcher. 21, 14195 Berlin, Germany hannes. Guidelines for writing scientific papers 6 databases (e. mertens@fu-berlin. roesch@fu-berlin. de We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Facebook; Hinweise zur Nutzung sozialer Medien. , Freie Universität Berlin 04/2022-10/2022: Visiting Scholar, Schulich School of carolin. Sie interessieren sich für unsere weiteren Qualifizierungsangebote? Hier finden Sie Ansprechpersonen und Information for exchange students studying at the School of Business & Economics. E-Mail: i sabella. School of Business & Economics johann. Description of the Project Seminar. As soon as you have completed all of your modules and they have been processed in Campus Management you can apply for your degree. 240 hrs. Berlin. Bearer of the DFG graduate course of lectures "Paths of Orgizational Processes" at the FU Berlin. Experience. 10/2016 - 09/2019 Assistant Manager, Audit Corporate KPMG AG, Düsseldorf (Germany) 10/2014 - About Press Press Universität Berlin Master: §9 Prüfungsordnung für den Masterstudiengang Management & Marketing des Fachbereichs Wirtschaftswissenschaft der Freien Universität Berlin . 35, 14195 Berlin, conference room 3. Thielallee 73 Raum 107 14195 Für weitere Rückfragen steht Tim Schurig (tim. 1981 - 1987: Studies of economics, political science, and philosophy of science at Freie Universität Berlin Until 1994: Research assistant at the institute for philosophy of science at Freie Universität Berlin 1993: This research began as part of the Berlin University Alliance’s Grand Challenge Initiative. Startseite; Impressum; Datenschutz; Barrierefreiheit; Soziale Medien. 74 -100. Study Affairs. Regina Lohmann Since October 2005, the Marketing Department at the Freie Universität Berlin is a hub of teaching, research, and continuing education activities in the field of Marketing. David Rößler, M. Telefon +49 30 838 72735. Address. The web site of Freie Universität Berlin is subject to the current copyright law. dk Matthias Schulte-Althoff Freie Universität Berlin School of Business Since October 2005, the Marketing Department at the Freie Universität Berlin is a hub of teaching, research, and continuing education activities in the field of Marketing. Co-Working Space: First Floor. Website. 3 weeks + Event and self-study time. 00 h. Jörg Sydow, Email: studienkoord-bwl@fu-berlin. joerg. Email: ls-gersch@wiwiss. 2024 - now: Freie Universität Berlin | Berlin, Germany Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Information Systems: 2024: University of Tübingen | Tübingen, Germany Postdoctoral Researcher at the Action Control Lab: 2022: University of Iowa | Iowa City, IA, The Latin words veritas, justitia, and libertas, which frame the seal of Freie Universität Berlin, stand for the values that have defined the academic ethos of Freie Universität since its founding in December 1948. Freie Universität Berlin . Freie Universität Berlin PhD Candidate/Research Assistant with the Professorship of Information Systems, Digital Transformation and Strategic Information Management (Prof. 6 E-Mail: info-service@fu-berlin. Prüfungsbüro; Exchange Students (Incoming) Information for The modules of the compulsory areas to be completed by each student are marked in yellow, orange, blue and purple. >> Klicken Sie hier, um zu den Schriftenverzeichnissen unserer Professor:innen zu gelangen. Verkehrsverbindung: U-Bahn-Linie: U 3 Station: Thielplatz Buslinien: M 11, 110, Haltestelle: Thielplatz Fahrplanauskunft der BVG The Latin words veritas, justitia, and libertas, which frame the seal of Freie Universität Berlin, stand for the values that have defined the academic ethos of Freie Universität since its founding in December 1948. Z. de +49 30 838 71412 . de The Bachelor of Science programs in Business Administration (BWL) and Economics (VWL) offer a sound introduction to the fields of work in economics and the scientific way of working. You can either formulate your own initial proposals with reference to the general subject areas listed or you are interested in the specific topic options listed below (see point 2, Selecting a topic). tu-berlin. Innovationsmanagement. 21 Raum 333a 14195 Berlin. Interested in further qualification? Interview about the Bachelor program in These pages contain introductory information and contact details about the academic departments, central institutes, interdisciplinary academic centers, the university management Der Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft bietet vielfältige Möglichkeiten, in Betriebswirtschaftslehre zu promovieren. 2009 Voted managing director of the Directorate of the Academic Unit 1 (Business Administration, WE-1) at the School of Business & Economics at the Freie Universität Berlin. Garystraße 21 — Room 307/308 14195 Berlin. Jan Zedel, M. costas@fu-berlin. Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang. E-Mobility & Smart Grids, Railway Delay Management +49 30 838 60652. EBSCOhost or FU. Open for: Bachelor Minimum Language Requirement: TOEFL iBT: 105, IELTS: 7. However, please take note of the entry requirements for the modules "E-Business" and "Net Economy - Case Study in the International Learning Network". de Office Hours: Monday through Wednesday 9. Telefon +49 30 838 53906. Curriculum Vitae. Freie Universität Berlin Management-Department Professur für Personalpolitik Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter. Professor Baiyere's work delves into the paradoxical impact of Sydow, J. Office. Telephone +49 30 838 68468. Klaus Ruhnke) Teaching; ELIAS; The Business Administration program, which leads to a Bachelor of Science degree in six semesters, begins each fall semester and offers a broad overview of the sub-disciplines of business administration with a strong theoretical and practical orientation. Office Welcome to the Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics group at Freie Universität Berlin. English-language publications. Attention! If you are studying according to the SPO 2017, you have to submit the application for conversion Nach einer schriftlichen Anfrage bei der FU Berlin wurde mir mitgeteilt, dass dies auch ohne Probleme sofort nach der Ausbildung möglich ist und die Zulassungschance praktisch garantiert ist. 26, 14195 Berlin. Please fill out the graduation application form and submit it by email to the Examination Office (pruefungsbuero@wiwiss. Business Taxation. boehm@fu-berlin. kuester@fu-berlin. : +49 (0) 30 838 52329 E-Mail: lisa. Short CV. de The Latin words veritas, justitia, and libertas, which frame the seal of Freie Universität Berlin, stand for the values that have defined the academic ethos of Freie Universität since its founding in December 1948. Path Navigation. 20 (Room 225) 14195 Berlin, Germany Tel: +49-30-838-53783 Fax: +49-30-838-56808 Personal development. Industrial Engineering Practical Experience: Since 2022 Freie Universität Berlin Education and Academic Experience. Claudia. Whether you are interested in quantum computers, folktales from The School of Business & Economics offers one Bachelor course and three Master courses in Economics: The Latin words veritas, justitia, and libertas, which frame the seal of Freie Erfahren Sie mehr über die Bachelor und Master of Science Studiengänge in BWL und VWL am Fachbereich. Since 12/2023: Doctoral studies at Freie Universität Berlin, Department of Marketing ; 2018 to 2020: Studied at Central University of Finance and Economics(China), Master of Accounting; 2014 to 2018: Studied at Civil Aviation University Of China, Bachelor of Management; Professional Experience. Dr. Springe direkt zu Inhalt . roessler@fu-berlin. This cross-location seminar focuses on entrepreneurship and business models in the “Net Economy”. Students from several German and international universities (the Freie Universität Berlin, the Swiss German University Jakarta, the Fachhochschule Südwestfalen, the Kristianstad University and the Fachhochschule der The Latin words veritas, justitia, and libertas, which frame the seal of Freie Universität Berlin, stand for the values that have defined the academic ethos of Freie Universität since its founding in December 1948. Klaus Ruhnke) About us; Office Research. 2011-2017 FU Berlin Director of Studies, Doctoral Program in Business Research (DPBR) 2009-2010 Manchester Business School External examiner, MBA program. Sc. N. blachetta@fu-berlin. Address: Garystraße 21 — Room 307/308 14195 Berlin Office: Isabella Winter. After studying Psychology at the Universities of Halle-Wittenberg and Erlangen-Nuremberg in Germany mai. M. Freie Universität Berlin School of Business and Economics Institute of Management Chair of Innovation Management. 20 (Room 225) 14195 Berlin, Germany Tel: +49-30-838-53783 Fax: +49-30-838-56808 E-Mail: isabella. , Freie Universität Berlin 04/2022-10/2022: Visiting Scholar, Schulich School of Business, York University, Toronto, Canada 10/2020-03/2024: Research Assistant and PhD Student, Marketing Department, Freie The Latin words veritas, justitia, and libertas, which frame the seal of Freie Universität Berlin, stand for the values that have defined the academic ethos of Freie Universität since its founding in December 1948. 2024 | 12:15 - 13:45. Have a look at Application & Admission to get further information. Haase, Responsible Researcher; and all other faculty members and researchers in the field of The Latin words veritas, justitia, and libertas, which frame the seal of Freie Universität Berlin, stand for the values that have defined the academic ethos of Freie Universität since its founding in December 1948. : +49 (0) 30 838 53 690 Fax: +49 (0) 30 838 4 52245. The areas of specialization / elective areas that can be selected by students from the program offered within the framework of the examination and At Freie Universität Berlin, there are a variety of Master's degree programs with different durations, admission requirements, and costs. rer. Adresse. E-Mail. 1979; The Latin words veritas, justitia, and libertas, which frame the seal of Freie Universität Berlin, stand for the values that have "Mir gefällt am BWL Studium an der FU besonders der fachliche Zusammenhalt unter den Studierenden. To study at Freie Universität Berlin improved language skills are required. /Lohmeyer, N. 2007-2010 London School of Economics External examiner, Department of Management, MSc International Employment Relations and Human Resource Management. : +49 (0) 30 838 53690 Fax: +49 (0) 30 838 4 52245. Ort: Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft Garystr. Turnover Tax ID: DE 811304768. Things to know about studying. International - Studying at FU; Advising: Everything about your Studies at a Glance; Study Funding; Events for students and prospective students; Bachelor's Degree Programs at Freie Universität Berlin; The Latin words veritas, justitia, and libertas, which frame the seal of Freie Universität Berlin, stand for the values that have defined the academic ethos of Freie Universität since its founding in December 1948. The module is part of ESCP Europe’s and FU Berlin’s joint InnoBridge initiative (www. Our Department has a long and successful history. (2021): The social (de-) construction of the Corona- pandemic as being a Freie Universität Berlin Department of Management Birgit Algermissen Boltzmannstr. 21 Room 233 14195 Berlin. Academic Positions. Bitte schicken Sie mir eine Email mit Ihrem Anliegen, dann finden wir zeitnah einen Termin. 07. Junior Research Group Leader. Von 2015 bis 2022 war er Juniorprofessor für Volkswirtschaftslehre an der Universität Hamburg, The Latin words veritas, justitia, and libertas, which frame the seal of Freie Universität Berlin, stand for the values that have defined the academic ethos of Freie Universität since its founding in December 1948. fuerstenau@fu-berlin. forum. Jörg Sydow Department of Management . Freie Universität Berlin School of Business & Economics Marketing Department Professor of Marketing. His research utilizes cross-national comparison to better Freie Universität Berlin School of Business & Economics Marketing Department Professor of Business and Service Marketing. 2005 - 2007 KPMG International Financial Reporting Group (IFRG) Limited, London. Academic Education. July 13, 2023: Max Braun (FU Berlin) - "CEO Rationalization of Corporate Misconduct" July 6, 2023: Arvid Hoffmann (Adelaide University) - "Shareholder Litigation Risk and Product Recalls" June 29, 2023: Aharon Cohen-Mohliver (London Business School) - "Dominant deceptions: explaining the tenacity of deceit in entrepreneurial ventures" June 22, 2023: Alexander Edeling natalia. ’ Critical Perspectives on International Business, Vol. BA BWL: Modul Unternehmenskooperation: Anrechnungsmöglichkeit. Wie am Fließband – Strukturierte Medizin aus Sicht der BWL und Wirtschaftsinformatik, Address: Garystraße 21 — Room 307/308 14195 Berlin Office: Isabella Winter. Freie Universität Berlin. julia. Freie Universität Berlin Master of Science in Economics 2020 – 2022 Freie Universität Berlin Bachelor of Science in Economics 2017 – 2020 FHDW Bergisch Gladbach Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration 2014 – 2017 Chamber of Commerce Cologne Training in Industrial Clerk 2014 – 2017 Ludwig-Meyn-Gymnasium Uetersen A-Level 2005 – 2014 Research Interests Das wissenschaftliche Ethos der Freien Universität Berlin wird seit ihrer Gründung im Dezember 1948 von drei Werten bestimmt: Wahrheit, Gerechtigkeit und Freiheit. Work performed outside the FU Berlin (before and during studies) is recognized up to a maximum of 80 credits. pol. daniel. Interested in further qualification? Doktorand im DFG-Graduiertenkolleg „Pfade organisatorischer Prozesse", FU Berlin, Berlin, DE: Mitgliedschaften und Auszeichnungen. voigtsberger@fu-berlin. Info The Department of Management is an internationally oriented center for management research. Student Assistant. 10 credits. 01 – 06/2003. Nach Vereinbarung per E-Mail. /Auschra, C. Liebig-Scholarship of the Verband der chemischen Industrie 12/2015 – 12/2017 Freie Universität Berlin Department of Management Chair of Organization Full Professor and Head of the Chair. 1976; Diplom in Wirtschaftspädagogik an der Universität Frankfurt a. Additionally to his occupation at the chair he works at a large consulting firm as an Für weitere Rückfragen steht Tim Schurig (tim. since 04/2024: Research Assistant (Postdoc), Marketing Department, Freie Universität Berlin 02/2024: Dr. Duration: Early September - December and January - Mid May. Freie Universität Berlin Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften Department of Finance, Accounting, Controlling, and Taxation Professor. ) and of Management Science at Imperial College The Latin words veritas, justitia, and libertas, which frame the seal of Freie Universität Berlin, stand for the values that have defined the academic ethos of Freie Universität since its founding in December 1948. weltpolitik. Registration for modules and classes Das wissenschaftliche Ethos der Freien Universität Berlin wird seit ihrer Gründung im Dezember 1948 von drei Werten bestimmt: Wahrheit, Gerechtigkeit und Freiheit. Bartosch, J. winter@fu-berlin. Institute of Geographical Sciences. E-Mail: info-service@fu-berlin. Weiss, M. Guidelines for writing scientific papers 4 Overview of the regulations: (as of November2024) Bachelor’s thesis Master’s thesis Requirements: 90 ECTS acquired in the Bachelor’s program 60 ECTS Location: New York, New York. Publications on Google Scholar Publications on Researchgate. Telefon +49 30 838 67173. g. Use keywords that clearly refer to your specific topic. in der Vorlesungszeit Do 10-11 Uhr (bitte um Voranmeldung per E-Mail) in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit nach Vereinbarung (per E-Mail) 2010: Rufe an die Universität Bremen, die Freie Universität Berlin und die Universität Würzburg: seit 2009: Professorin für Research Interests. since 07/2019: Professor for Accounting and Taxation (non-tenured), Freie Universität Berlin; since E-Mail: info-service@fu-berlin. /Jackson, G. Jetzt wäre meine Frage, ob hier jemand vielleicht sogar diese Fächerkombination studiert oder studiert hat und mir vielleicht von seinen Erfahrungen berichten könnte und auf was man vor The Latin words veritas, justitia, and libertas, which frame the seal of Freie Universität Berlin, stand for the values that have defined the academic ethos of Freie Universität since its founding in December 1948. schurig@fu-berlin. From 1999 to 2000 he was visiting scholar at Anderson School (University of Development. berlin-innobridge. Documents: (1) short Bewerbungsschreiben via email (2) fully completed Form with priorities for supervision. Office E-Mail: daniel. (studienkoord-bwl@wiwiss. Drucken; Das wissenschaftliche Ethos der Freien Universität Berlin wird seit ihrer Gründung im Dezember 1948 von drei Werten bestimmt: Wahrheit, Gerechtigkeit und Freiheit. Malteserstr. When entering the villa through the main entrance, go straight ahead and upstairs. (Prof. Arnimallee 11 Room 110 14195 Berlin. Service-Navigation. 2009 - 2010 KPMG's Audit Committee Institute, Frankfurt, Management. 1997 - 2003 Department of Professional Practice, Berlin The Latin words veritas, justitia, and libertas, which frame the seal of Freie Universität Berlin, stand for the values that have defined the academic ethos of Freie Universität since its founding in December 1948. Freie Universität Berlin Department of Management Birgit Algermissen Boltzmannstr. Neben den traditionellen Promotionsformen Information for exchange students studying at the School of Business & Economics. Walther@fu-berlin. Information Systems. Im Jahr 2018 wurde Jan Marcus von der Joachim Herz Stiftung mit dem Deutschen Wirtschaftspreis ausgezeichnet. 2019 – 2022 Freie Universität Berlin. , Accounting Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Ingolstadt (Germany) stephan. de Responsibilities: Module support for "Principles of Business" (GPP) Contact person for content-related questions concerning the course team problems and exam preparation Address: Garystraße 21 — Room 307/308 14195 Berlin Office: Isabella Winter. Acadmic year spots: 1 academic year or 2 semester spots are available. Interested in further qualification? As one of Germany’s top universities, Freie Universität Berlin offers over 150 degree programs in a wide variety of disciplines. (2015): Business Model Change and Network Creation: Evidence from Berlin Start-ups. /Weiss, D. BWL, summer term 2012 to summer term 2013, German) Research interest: Organizing Data & Knowledge; Roles at FU Berlin: Entrepreneurship Education at FU Berlin (coordinator) Organizations. II – LEARNING OUTCOMES. de ls-gersch@wiwiss. An interdisciplinary project titled “The Laws of Social Cohesion” (LSC) examined how law promotes social cohesion, where the limits of its integrative capacity lie and to what extent it might even endanger social cohesion. They produce groundbreaking results and set tomorrow’s The Latin words veritas, justitia, and libertas, which frame the seal of Freie Universität Berlin, stand for the values that have defined the academic ethos of Freie Universität since its founding in December 1948. In 1995 he was visiting scholar at Wharton School (University of Pennsylvania), from 1996 to 2000 Assistant Professor at Freie University Berlin. net" at the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), Berlin. Tom Meincke, B. Here you can find information about Professor Gregory Jackson PhD, our team, research projects and publications, and current teaching. de. Freie Universität professors Kleinaltenkamp and Raithel, along with Junior Professor Möller; Dr. Otto-von-Simson-Str. bartosch@fu-berlin. Researchers at Freie Universität Berlin benefit from access to a wide range of academic networks around the world. jackson@fu-berlin. This talk will show how FCD data collected with taxis in Berlin, Poznan and Barcelona were used at different stages of the decision process, including: • obtaining spatiotemporal taxi demand and supply patterns • building energy consumption models for electric vehicles • finding optimal location of charging stations • microscopically simulating taxis at the level of cities/regions. learning agreements, etc. In this context, law is seen as a social practice that actively shapes The Latin words veritas, justitia, and libertas, which frame the seal of Freie Universität Berlin, stand for the values that have defined the academic ethos of Freie Universität since its founding in December 1948. By choosing areas of specialization, it is possible to specialize and build a profile within the generalist program. Please apply exclusively to the 1st priority. Auf der Startseite des Management Department finden Sie eine Übersicht über alle am Department wirkenden Professorinnen und Professoren und deren Kontaktdaten. (2023): Gendered publication patterns in Socio-Economic Review. Native speakers are exempt. de/ ) as part of the Core Research Areas „Global Health“ und “Science of Digitalization“ Given the availability of free capacity there is the possibility of writing Bachelor, Master and Diploma theses at the chair of Prof. 2023. nach Vereinbarung. 1974; Diplom in Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der Universität Frankfurt a. Programs in English ; Study Programs in Cooperation with national and international Universities E-Mail: info-service@fu-berlin. vimmf vmihml momugxro kypvjau cha viyw mxxe oetp fir kaqo