Ham radio qrp blog Blog; Learn Morse Code; CW Abbreviations; . Most of my HF operating is from portable locations, I have written articles for QRP magazine SPRAT Issue 135 Summer 2008 P28-29 My QSL from 3B8/M1KTA appeared on front cover of issue 135. I thought an under voltage situation was occurring so I measured the voltage from the power supply to the rig while transmitting into a My keyer dates back to when morse code proficiency exams were still a thing to study for and my MFJ-493 keyer has a FCC Exam Simulator mode. 3B8/M1KTA - A QRP Ham radio QRP station build - FLDIGI to Yaesu FT817 « on: October 27, 2017, 12:31:01 pm » This is a series ive recently started to answer questions i'm often asked about Off Grid Ham Radio OH8STN Ham Radio, NVIS, QRP, Man-Portable, Radio Operator, Off Grid Comms, Survival Radio, Grid Down Comms, LiFePO4 Battery, Solar Generator, Portable Power, Winlink, JS8Call, VARAC, Hopefully you agree it’s more important to be thorough than being “first” on YouTube or with the blog. VK3HN Radio craft, homebrew, QRP/SOTA, AM. Blog; Learn Morse Code; CW Abbreviations; Table of Contents; Photography; Videos; About; Sunday, November 13, 2016. (TR)uSDX A QRP Radio; N9SAB Antennas An extremely efficient antenna; Microsoft Surface The Icom IC-705 has a maximum power output of 10 watts, when using an external battery or power supply, connected to its 12 volt input. 5, 5, 7, 10 and 14 MHz CW operation. com M1KTA's QRP ham radio blog details the projects that he is currently working on among his other work. 517 LZ3FN/M Chirs in Bulgaria driving to Vaga, 5/9 signal report even though I'm running 5w QRP. A single lever paddle when used with an electronic keyer Tony offers different OTO spacing down to 1/2" which I found to be about perfect. CW QRP TRANSCEIVER UNDER $40 AN OLD PICTURE. ORG blog post notifications by email. 3 brings small changes, most significant being current sensor output; performance, Amateur radio, mountain hiking and more. A single lever paddle when used with an electronic ZZRX-40 Completed and In the Case This little kit from the Four State QRP Group was a fun, easy build and, miracle of miracles for me, no magic smoke when I powered it on! I I’ve been fortunate to have a pretty big amplifier on my blog, youtube channel, and other venues like the Young Amateurs Radio Club (YARC) and Youth on the Air (YOTA), so things are a-changing rapidly! Check QRP is loads of fun and provides a good technical challenge to any ham radio operator. Without some imputus from the MAINSTREAM media, HAM RADIO simply, DOES NOT EXIST. Lastly I The FDM DUO is a smart, compact (7"x6"), very well constructed radio which can be used as a standalone QRP radio up on a SOTA Summit or is equally happy at home in Save 20% at Ham Radio Prep with coupon code: QRPER. Monday, March 10, 2014. Main goals of the project: Believed the first in BC. Blog; Learn Morse Code; CW Abbreviations; Since this is a ham radio blog, I’d say, “If you came of age in the 1960s or 1970s and then later became radio amateur, chances are you’re more than casually acquainted with Heathkit. Blog; Learn Morse Code; CW Abbreviations; Table of Contents; Photography; Videos; About; Wednesday, I'm a proponent for using the Reverse Beacon Network to determine how your QRP signal is getting out and for comparing different power levels and antennas. It is designed for mobile Though developed for commercial radio, Q-codes have since become a mainstay in amateur (ham) radio. Size is so important to me when it comes to a QRP radio and they don’t “The emphasis is fun. Operating qrp is definitely an amazing experience and challenge which I readily accept however. 3B8/M1KTA - A QRP Off Grid Ham Radio OH8STN Ham Radio, NVIS, QRP, Man-Portable, Radio Operator, Off Grid Comms, Survival Radio, Grid Down Comms, LiFePO4 Battery, Solar Off Grid Ham Radio OH8STN Ham Radio, NVIS, QRP, Man-Portable, Radio Operator, Off Grid Comms, Survival Radio, Grid Down Comms, LiFePO4 Battery, Solar I have written articles for QRP magazine SPRAT Issue 135 Summer 2008 P28-29 My QSL from 3B8/M1KTA appeared on front cover of issue 135. Blog; Learn Morse Code; CW Abbreviations; Table of Contents; Photography; Videos; About; Friday, February A blog about HAM Radio QRP and Morse Code by AA4OO Ham Radio - QRP Lower your Power Raise your Expectations. Skip to primary content. The AM transmission are 1 A modern amateur radio (typically a HF model) can be used to communicate with radios built 100 years in the past. For our purposes, portable is defined as a complete station that can be reasonably carried, set up, and operated by one person: Radio, antennas, power source, and Off Grid Ham Radio OH8STN Ham Radio, NVIS, QRP, Man-Portable, Radio Operator, Off Grid Comms, Survival Radio, Grid Down Comms, LiFePO4 Battery, Solar Follow Ham Radio Outside the Box to get new content delivered directly to your inbox. Low power amateur radio fun! Blogs. CW's Ham Radio - QRP Lower your Power Raise your Expectations. The only one I own is an HW8, which just appeared at a Melbourne Hamfest a 28. The choice of equipment is critical; As from now on I will post here my experience with the most advanced project in my HAM practice – Building a HAM radio shortwave all mode transceiver. The hope is that it will attract new people to electronic design, measurement and experimentation. You will also find catalogs of A blog about HAM Radio QRP and Morse Code by AA4OO Ham Radio - QRP Lower your Power Raise your Expectations. Navy Radioman in the early 70s. 28. Blog; Learn Morse Code; CW Abbreviations; Table of Contents; Photography; Videos; About; Thursday, May 19, 2016. Skip to secondary content. LZ7DP - ham radio blog Sunday, October 15, 2017. Blog; Learn Morse Code; CW Abbreviations; Table of Contents; Photography; Videos; About; Saturday, February Ham Radio - QRP Lower your Power Raise your Expectations. We need to invest the time for research, and even more time to Yes, Virginia, you can enjoy a quality ham radio life running QRP. Menu. Blog; Learn Morse Code; CW Abbreviations; Table of Contents; Photography; Videos; About; Wednesday, A blog about HAM Radio QRP and Morse Code by AA4OO Ham Radio - QRP Lower your Power Raise your Expectations. 5 S-Units down from 100 watts. I do recall using 74 as a check in the November Sweepstakes contests, so I think it’s likely that I received my license then. Of course we always had ARRL publications. Blog; Learn Morse Code; CW Abbreviations; Ham Radio - QRP Lower your Power Raise your Expectations. FAVE BLOGS. Ham Radio and Electronic Experimenting Areas of Interest. Following that call the former QRP Ham Radio - QRP Lower your Power Raise your Expectations. 3B8/M1KTA - A QRP Altho a lot of these rigs never sold in VK3. blogspot. Also wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your blog. You definitely have a gift Ham Radio - QRP Lower your Power Raise your Expectations. QRP CW transceiver for less than $20 This is idea from LZ1CLK (My friend Dobri Melin). NorCal NC-40A QRP cw transceiver This is my second build of this legendary QRP transceiver. B. 537 9H4CM Charlie in Gozo Malta, again on 5w QRP and 5/9 signal report. First one was made with MX-P50M HF Power Amplifier For YAESU FT-817 IC-703 Elecraft KX3 QRP Ham Radio. S. This transceiver is based on Small Wonder Labs SW 30/40 A blog about HAM Radio QRP and Morse Code by AA4OO Ham Radio - QRP Lower your Power Raise your Expectations. I also had a chance to physically try one of his QRP sized keys at my friend AA4XX's The BLT plus includes a Dan Tayloe N7VE LED SWR indicator which eliminates the need to carry a separate SWR meter. It is probably not the path I would send a ham radio newcomer down. I was recording clips for another video project, when GW4OZU came in on 20 meters. The low power output on CW is indeed, 5 watts and high power is a pileup busting 15 watts. When the design team at QRP Labs (alright, we know that means just Hans) set out to produce a multiband portable transceiver that Off Grid Ham Radio OH8STN Ham Radio, NVIS, QRP, Man-Portable, Radio Operator, Off Grid Comms, Survival Radio, Grid Down Comms, LiFePO4 Battery, Solar Off Grid Ham Radio OH8STN Ham Radio, NVIS, QRP, Man-Portable, Radio Operator, Off Grid Comms, Survival Radio, Grid Down Comms, LiFePO4 Battery, Solar Generator, Portable Power, Winlink, JS8Call, VARAC, Ultimately, the station used in this article consisted of few easy to carry component. QRP radios, product announcements, reviews, news and more. Picked up WGY loud and clear, a whole 16 miles I have written articles for QRP magazine SPRAT Issue 135 Summer 2008 P28-29 My QSL from 3B8/M1KTA appeared on front cover of issue 135. There were a few things I wanted to do during this Ham Radio - QRP Lower your Power Raise your Expectations. There is also a problem with older QRP radio kits from QRPGuys. On my Standard Vibroplex but it only slows it down to 20wpm and I was hoping for more. In the simplest sense it was an ideal radio for the Novice Licensed HAM operator of the 1970s. QRP Fun Heathkit HW7 - Chapter 2 - RIT and CW Offset Prologue: Today is I have written articles for QRP magazine SPRAT Issue 135 Summer 2008 P28-29 My QSL from 3B8/M1KTA appeared on front cover of issue 135. W2LJ QRP - When Ham Radio - QRP Lower your Power Raise your Expectations. Blog; Learn Morse Code; CW Abbreviations; Table of Contents; Photography; Videos; About; Sunday, January 15, 2017. He needed to work my County so I was glad to be able to provide him with the contact. My first QSOs weren’t until the spring of QRP operating is also a great way to improve one’s operating skills. Blog; Learn Morse Code; CW Abbreviations; Table of Contents; Are you looking for a super compact, portable QRP transceiver for your BOTA, POTA or SOTA ham radio operations? Then read on and watch DL2MAN’s video about his (tr)uSDX non-clone QRP transceiver. W2LJ QRP - ham radio blog, electronics, Homebrew, soldersmoke, QRP, boatanchors, wireless, radio history, radio construction, Dominican Republic, podcast LZ7DP - ham radio blog QRP transceiver LZ1DPN-CW2 for 3. Enter your email address to subscribe to OH8STN. Some refer to the problem as “DSB transmission” (Double Sideband TX). 3B8/M1KTA - A QRP DXpedition to Mauritius Island Issue 142 Spring Field notes More capable radio I realize sometimes there’s going to be a need for a more capable radio. I've also worked a French station ( F6DCD/ QRP ) but he was using a Yagi antenna. Using Q-codes saves time and reduces confusion when signals are Roger G3XBM's (Mainly) Amateur Radio Blog Simple QRP projects, 10m, 8m, 6m, 4m, FT8, 160m, WSPR, LF/MF, sub-9kHz, nanowaves and other random stuff, some Update – 23rd September 2022. I have been using Morse Trainer to revive my cw skills. I recently discovered an award run by the QRP Amateur Radio Club International called the 1,000 Mile Per Watt LZ7DP - ham radio blog Tuesday, May 14, 2019. Blog; Learn Morse Code; As always, I love your QRP blog. On Jan 22, 2025 at 14:30 pm local time, two members of the Surrey Amateur Radio Communications Society completed what is believed to be the However, for decades ham radio manufacturers have used this 5 - 10 watt convention to their market advantage. I was already I have written articles for QRP magazine SPRAT Issue 135 Summer 2008 P28-29 My QSL from 3B8/M1KTA appeared on front cover of issue 135. It is a CW only Technical Aspects of QRP Operation. My Blog List. W2LJ QRP - When you care to send the very least! When it comes to HAM RADIO, this blog is The first radio I ever owned was a Philmore crystal radio purchased from an ad in the back of Boy's Life, the old scouting magazine. The concept is beautiful. Blog; Learn Morse Code; CW Abbreviations; I began the habit of spending some time most mornings before work just listening to higher speed ops chat with each other at speeds around 25wpm on 80m and 40m. I look at how Ok, back on topic; a dual lever paddle can be used with an electronic electronic keyer, that supports Iambic mode(s). 3B8/M1KTA - A QRP I've been in ham radio since 1974 and served as a U. Good stuff here! Thanks! George K2WO. If you are running QRP SSB (10 watts) that is only 1. Engaging in QRP radio transmitting requires a deep understanding of radio equipment, antenna design, propagation, and operating techniques. There's A blog about HAM Radio QRP and Morse Code by AA4OO Ham Radio - QRP Lower your Power Raise your Expectations. Dave is a legend in the A blog about HAM Radio QRP and Morse Code by AA4OO Off Grid Ham Radio OH8STN Ham Radio, NVIS, QRP, Man-Portable, Radio Operator, Off Grid Comms, Survival Radio, Grid Down Comms, LiFePO4 Battery, Solar Generator, ON7DQ (KF0CR) HAM Radio Blog Reporting on my HAM Radio Activity and SOTA Activations. I set the speed to 17 wpm Ham Radio - QRP Lower your Power Raise your Expectations. Blog; Learn Morse Code; CW Abbreviations; Ok, back on topic; a dual lever paddle can be used with an electronic electronic keyer, that supports Iambic mode(s). Follow RSS Website m1kta-qrp. 3B8/M1KTA - A QRP DXpedition to Mauritius Island Issue 142 Spring The FX-4CR is very compact and will literally fit in the palm of your hand and weighs just over 400g. Saying those who use towers and beams aren’t QRP is baloney, claims Larry. “The Radio Ham” is an episode from the comedy series Hancock, the This simple, general purpose multiband CW beacon can be run up on the frequency (or frequencies) of your choice, is powered on a 9V transistor radio battery, and can moved to Tuna Power System Less the Magic Smoke An effective QRP station needs a stable, regulated power source to provide power to the transmitter, the receiver (or a Simple QRP projects, 10m, 8m, 6m, 4m, FT8, 160m, WSPR, LF/MF, sub-9kHz, nanowaves and other random stuff, some not related to amateur radio. I found Morse Trainer to be a very effective tool. I'll be There is no logical reason to desire such a QRP radio. AE5X blog; The box contains the radio mounted in a Peovi cage that includes handles. Home; QRP HF Transceiver; Downloads. NOW A SMALL SPEAKER IS IN TRX CASE: This is Direct Ham radio blog. 3B8/M1KTA - A QRP DXpedition to Mauritius Island Issue 142 Spring LZ7DP - ham radio blog Wednesday, August 17, 2016. Frog Sounds QRP CW kit build This is my attempt at the Chinese "frog sounds" QRP kit. When powered or charged I have written articles for QRP magazine SPRAT Issue 135 Summer 2008 P28-29 My QSL from 3B8/M1KTA appeared on front cover of issue 135. After ordering it for exactly Amateur Radio. W2LJ QRP - When Getting back into ham radio and cw after 30+ years. Reply Little radios, big fun! I made another quick run over to nearby Valley Forge National Historical Park (US-0761, KFF-0761) this morning. 00 out of 5. Introduction: It's Ham Radio Blog; KB6NU Blog; KD6RF Blog; KM4NMP Blog; M7MCQ QRP Blog; N4BC Blog; N4KGL Blog; N4REE Minimalist Ham; N8ZYA Blog; OH8STN Blog; I realized after spending some time with it that I really only had fun with QRP level activations and I didn’t know much about more portable options at the time (it was my first I have written articles for QRP magazine SPRAT Issue 135 Summer 2008 P28-29 My QSL from 3B8/M1KTA appeared on front cover of issue 135. I can usually work Choosing the best HF Ham Radio for off-grid or grid-down survival communications is challenging. Blog; Learn Morse Code; CW Abbreviations; Table of Contents; Photography; Videos; About; Thursday, March 8, We started Ham Radio Prepper as a resource for those who are interested in the emergency communications and preparedness aspects of the hobby; but we also want to be a HF QRP radios and accessories typically use BNC antenna connectors. Blog; Learn Morse Code; CW Abbreviations; Table of Contents; Photography; Videos; About; Saturday, February Thanks. Blog; Learn Morse Code; CW Abbreviations; Table of Contents; Photography; Videos; About; Sunday, October ham radio blog, electronics, Homebrew, soldersmoke, QRP, boatanchors, wireless, radio history, radio construction, Dominican Republic, podcast SolderSmoke Daily News -- I received a nice 579 report for my 5w and I gave him a 599+ report for his thundering kilowatt station. W2LJ QRP - When My particular unit has a receiver manufactured by Telefunken in 1955 and a Lewyt manufactured transmitter from 1966. After many delays related to parts availability and manufacturing challenges, the A600 kit is again available. Email Address (Will NOT be shared) Radio craft, homebrew, QRP/SOTA, AM. Spend more time QRPp and experiment with antenna choices: I do love playing radio with one watt or less! Where I plan to go: The Charlotte Hamfest RARSfest (timing for this one is always I have made CW and AM QSOs with other amateur radio operators whose equipment ranged from home-brew xmtr/rcvrs, Drake and Collins radios as well as shiny W2LJ QRP - When you care to send the very least! Surprise (again) ! "I’ll be one of your two foxii on 80 meters Thursday night, along with Larry, W2LJ, in New Jersey. Hopefully, this site stimulates interest in QRP homebrew I have written articles for QRP magazine SPRAT Issue 135 Summer 2008 P28-29 My QSL from 3B8/M1KTA appeared on front cover of issue 135. In this blog, we go through key features every HF survival radio should have. Home ‘Summit-Prowler’-QRP-Rigs; About; detailed blog post which was assembled over many An article by Bob Kellogg, AE4IC, from QRP-L about the W3EDP portable antenna. The SWR bridge is Ham Radio - QRP Lower your Power Raise your Expectations. W2LJ QRP - So if you are running 100 watts, to gain one S-Unit using the same antenna system you must increase your power to 400 watts. For shortwave and broadcast listeners, general coverage transceivers can double as both a ham radio transceiver and as a broadcast listening receiver. 3B8/M1KTA - A QRP Operating QRP as a portable amateur station. Com; Ham Radio Blog AA7EE; Ham Radio Blog KB6NU’s; Ham Radio Blog Melted Solder; Ham Radio Blog OZ1AA- Cycling the Globe; QRP Station AA4GA; QRP Station K3WWP Co Founder of the NAQCC Club; QRP Ham Radio - QRP Lower your Power Raise your Expectations. The same might be said for AM fone (phone), but that mode What’s wrong with ham radio by Razvan | Jul 15, 2020 | In the shack | 69 | This is an amazing hobby and has many sides to it, but as anything it’s far from perfect. Blog; Learn Morse Code; CW Abbreviations; Table of Contents; Photography; Videos; About; Saturday, A blog about HAM Radio QRP and Morse Code by AA4OO Ham Radio - QRP Lower your Power Raise your Expectations. I have made CW and AM QSOs with other amateur radio operators whose equipment ranged from Ham Radio - QRP Lower your Power Raise your Expectations. 3B8/M1KTA - A QRP DXpedition to Mauritius Island Issue 142 Spring ham radio blog, electronics, Homebrew, soldersmoke, QRP, boatanchors, wireless, radio history, radio construction, Dominican Republic, podcast WHICH QRP RADIO SHOULD YOU BUY? FAVE HAM SITE. CW mode allows amateur radio operators to communicate world wide at QRP (low power) and QRPp (very low power) levels. Blog; Learn Morse Code; CW Abbreviations; Table of Contents; Photography; Videos; About; Sunday, December 11, 2016. Paul is an avid CW operator dedicated to QRP and Ham Radio - QRP Lower your Power Raise your Expectations. Blog; Learn Morse Code; CW Abbreviations; Table of Contents; Photography; Videos; About; Ham Radio - QRP Lower your Power Raise your Expectations. Getting good experience with radio in general is a smart A ham radio blog devoted to the adventures of low-powered amateur radio operator Tim Carter. In that video I propose using Windows tablets like the Microsoft Surface series, since support for emergency communications related ham radio apps AD5A Blog; AE5X Blog; Atentop Website; It's Ham Radio Blog; KB6NU Blog; KD6RF Blog; KM4NMP Blog; M7MCQ QRP Blog; N4BC Blog; N4KGL Blog; N4REE Minimalist Ham; N8ZYA Blog; OH8STN Blog; PE4BAS ham radio blog, electronics, Homebrew, soldersmoke, QRP, boatanchors, wireless, radio history, radio construction, Dominican Republic, podcast I have written articles for QRP magazine SPRAT Issue 135 Summer 2008 P28-29 My QSL from 3B8/M1KTA appeared on front cover of issue 135. The EA8 station was using a long wire from the . A600 HF/VHF Hello Operators . I have created 20 or so . Headphones – I While reading about this event, I learned about a page that I think I will be using every time I turn on the radio within sight of an internet-connected computer, which is the ham radio blog, electronics, Homebrew, soldersmoke, QRP, boatanchors, wireless, radio history, radio construction, Dominican Republic, podcast M1KTA's QRP ham radio blog Other than a trip which might get the odd mention I will detail projects I am working on, what I want to be working on and what I have otherwise to EA8/OK1DMP/QRP, and UR5FA/MM/QRP (twice). This is Direct Conversion QRP JS8Call Ham Radio QSO with an Icom IC-705 running 10 watts. The radio is held in place by friction and when the case is closed and there is an optional screw hole in the wooden Off Grid Ham Radio OH8STN Ham Radio, NVIS, QRP, Man-Portable, Radio Operator, Off Grid Comms, Survival Radio, Grid Down Comms, LiFePO4 Battery, Solar Generator, Portable Power, Winlink, JS8Call, VARAC, Off Grid Ham Radio OH8STN Ham Radio, NVIS, QRP, Man-Portable, Radio Operator, Off Grid Comms, Survival Radio, Grid Down Comms, LiFePO4 Battery, Solar Generator, Portable Power, Winlink, JS8Call, VARAC, QRP operators usually tweak everything else except the propagation condition & output power! Most of the skilled seasoned operators mostly operate QRP and CW, because of the very challenge of QRP My portable station is based on my “Goodbye Raspberry Pi” video. The ONLY times that Ham radio given a high profile was:-A. A blog about HAM Radio QRP and Morse Code by AA4OO Ham Radio - QRP Lower your Power Raise your Expectations. But most HF amatuer station equipment like antenna switches and tuners are designed for PL-259 Ham Radio - QRP Lower your Power Raise your Expectations. If they are designing a QRP radio they only have to On his QRP – Do more with less blog, Larry W2LJ nails his colours (colors?) firmly to the mast. Skip to content. (07/12/1996) An archive of emails between me and L. txt files with focus on call signs, Ham Radio - QRP Lower your Power Raise your Expectations. Blog; Learn Morse Code; CW Abbreviations; Table of Contents; Photography; Videos; About; Tuesday, April 11, 2017. Rated 5. Version v2. This one is an extremely cost-effective, lightweight and easy to build QRP version from DL1DN of QRP Lifestyle on YouTube. My QRP 10m WSPR I began by looking at the very inexpensive, simple radios kits like the Rockmite and TunaCans but decided my acumen with a soldering iron was likely insufficient for even In the case of Morse Code the human is the modem. W2LJ QRP - 160m Spring Stew Perry Contest - QRP style I had the opportunity to visit with Paul Stroud AA4XX as he worked the early hours in the 160m Spring Stew Perry Contest. After I'd finish keying there would be a brief audio drop and sometimes a pop as the audio came back. Cebik, W4RNL, comparing the W3EDP antenna and a 65' wire with counterpoise. Blog; Learn Morse Code; CW Abbreviations; Table of Contents; Photography; Videos; About; Monday, November 20, 2017. 3B8/M1KTA - A QRP DXpedition to Mauritius Island Issue 142 Spring Off Grid Ham Radio OH8STN Ham Radio, NVIS, QRP, Man-Portable, Radio Operator, Off Grid Comms, Survival Radio, Grid Down Comms, LiFePO4 Battery, Solar Generator, Portable Power, Winlink, JS8Call, VARAC, I have written articles for QRP magazine SPRAT Issue 135 Summer 2008 P28-29 My QSL from 3B8/M1KTA appeared on front cover of issue 135. Home; HF/6m LDMOS linear amplifier kits; Shop; VHF/UHF handheld performance comparison; Select Page. Today’s topic is an end fed half wave antennas. The largest weight A common train of thought in Ham Radio is you need to have a giant station in order to have fun and be successful. I often suggest a good general coverage transceiver as an option for shortwave The Ten-Tec Century 21 is an interesting transceiver. While there is no doubt that a giant Yagi on a big Ham Radio - QRP Lower your Power Raise your Expectations. I operate 100% QRP on the HF bands. Blog; Learn Morse Code; CW Abbreviations; Table of Contents; Photography; Videos; About; Wednesday, May Ham Radio - QRP Lower your Power Raise your Expectations. Firmware updates; Manuals; Price list; Contact us; RGO ONE 5+ serie still available to order. Blog; Learn Morse Code; CW Abbreviations; Table of Contents; Photography; Videos; About; Saturday, A blog about HAM Radio QRP and Morse Code by AA4OO But it didn't slow the bug down as much as I'd hoped. But as with every aspect of ham radio, there are several things you can do to improve your success. 26/05/2016.