Open chrome with specific profile. Suppose I execute: chrome.
Open chrome with specific profile You could use user-data-dir and profile-directory to use specific profile to launch Edge with Selenium. Powershell script to start Chrome and more. Eg: -Open Google Calendar in my chrome business profile -Open YouTube in my general chrome profile -Open Gmail in my chrome profile I use for spam email Thank you --- To do the above: Hello, I have few chrome user profiles. exe"); EdgeOptions edgeOptions = new EdgeOptions(); // Here you set the path of the profile ending To drive Chrome through Python, however, a lot of people face obstacles like opening a Chrome profile through Python which is required before any other action can be taken. Click on profile icon and open Manage People dialog. exe shortcut with no additional attributes, how can I do it so it opens a specific default profile every time and not the last profile that was in In this article, we'll see how to run Google Chrome with different profiles. How do I open a link via the Google Chrome profile chooser? Hot Network Questions Looking for some chrome API (to be used in chrome extension) that let me to do following programmatically: You can profile a script in google chrome programmatically using the following code. How to open the Default Chrome Profile through Selenium, ChromeDriver and GoogleChrome. exe from path\to\my\project\node_modules\puppeteer. I understand that's because I close the chrome. My goal is to open Google Chrome with a specific profile such as "profile 1", "profile 2", or "Default" from the command line, using bash to be specific, on my Mac. local-chromium\win64-674921\chrome-win\chrome. com --args --profile-directory="Profile 22" I get a "clean" Chrome instance with no browsing history and none of my stored data from the normal installation of Chrome on my computer. Stack Overflow. exe" --profile-directory="Default" with auto hotkey I'm not sure how to format this shortcut as such. Viewed 1k times 4 . Under "Other Chrome Profiles," select Manage Chrome profiles . Managing profiles in Google Chrome allows you to separate your preferences and browsing activity. Use it as follows: chrome. So if your profile path is specified as: How can this procedure be done with ahk script. Just click on the name of the Chrome profile on the top-right corner, and select “Switch person”. When I open the URLs in Excel, I have it configured so that it will open only in Chrome, but it will always open the URL in my active Chrome window. How can I force Chrome to use specific profile? I am unable to use specific profile in Puppeteer. add_argument However, the difference is that when I hit F5, VS Code opens a new browser Window that looks like a newly installed instance of Chrome. you can put this in your . The answer from @PrashanthSams is correct, but I was incorrectly adding \Default to the end of the profile path . def try_find_chrome_path(): result = None if _winreg: for subkey in ['ChromeHTML\\shell\\open\\command', 'Applications\\chrome. As of now, there is no way to open a specific Chrome profile. ; Click on ADD PERSON, provide the person name, select an icon, keep the item When launching, the --profile-directory command-line switch can be used to select a specific profile directory. automated-tests; The path of the specific Chrome profile that we want to use is passed as a parameter to this method. If you want to open a specific Chrome profile, I recommend you make that profile the default one in Windows. check_call([chrome, '--kiosk']) Note: "\\n" == r'\n' != '\n'. Type edge://version into the address bar and press Enter. io? 1 Selenium: Open two different instances of ChromeDriver with same profile. 0. We need to use the add_argument method to specify the path of the Chrome profile. In this guide, we’ll explore how to achieve I have a Chrome app that I created with "Create Application Shortcut". add_argument("--disable-infobars") opt. exe and ha The issue I am having seems to be that in my path, chrome will just create a new default. I'm performing some actions via SOAP from C# and once successfully completed, I want the user to be presented with the end results via the browser. The syntax is as follows: Using this information, you can create a special Let’s open a specific Chrome profile from a command line in macOS# While using the Chrome profile you want to launch, enter this in the omnibox / address bar to find the This built-in Windows tool allows us to open Google Chrome with a specific profile with just a few keyboard taps. x on Linux Mint 14. lnk” And target in properties look like this : “C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome. exe --profile-directory="profileName" to open URLs in a selected profile, but this has a handler that runs on the user's machine, with profileName being the internal name of the chrome profile, for example --profile-directory="Profile1" instead of --profile-directory="My Name As Profile". However, you can set up a desktop shortcut to open Chrome directly into a specific profile and you can create one of these shortcuts for each profile you have in Chrome. So, I created multiple users under Settings->Users . This is why the extension creates a new user profile by default. Install the Session Buddy extension in both Chrome instances. Having some trouble when opening chrome browser with Selenium ChromeDriver. chrome --profile-directory=“UiPath” Once Chrome is running, click on the profile symbol (just left of the 3 vertical dots that open Chrome menu), a menu will open, the additional profiles will be visible there, click on the desired one I'm trying to open a specific chrome profile using playwright python using the following code from playwright. You need to pass additional argument user-data-dir to the Chrome options when initialising the Chrome driver, in order to open the local default Chrome profile. If I press Ctrl+Q. Search. with SB(uc=T Add user Data Directory argument to chrome options and provide path to your profile. Open Chrome and click the profile badge in the upper-right corner of the window on the title bar I use Java language as an example. In Open Browser Activity, there is no option to specify. Selenium; using OpenQA. chrome. and if Chrome Profile 1 is opened and maximized, close it. Step 1: Right-click a blank area of the desktop and select New → Shortcut. At the top right, click Profile. Choose a name and a photo/picture. I'm trying to open Chrome to a specific user while also having a specific window size and position using CMD on Windows. I I can open the browser with my desired profile from the Windows command line "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome. Web-driver won't let you do this, It is like to rename a file in Windows when the file is open. Profile name : Selenium Profile directory : How to open a specific Chrome profile. Here, we will discuss the steps to follow on how to open When I open a link in Windows (i. Chrome; // Specify the path to the Chrome profile ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions(); options. I tried to add options. And verify that proper the page is opened, by specific element on a page. Switching between applications and accounts dedicated to specific roles is fiddly, energy draining, and time consuming. 4 Unable to load default profile in Chrome with Selenium WebDriver. exe shortcut with no additional attributes, how can I do it so it opens a specific default profile every time and not the last profile that was in use? I am using windows 10 21H1 for clearance and chrome 89 (The latest version) To create and open a new Chrome Profile you need to follow the following steps :. Please help me with it. From instantiate I meant, you need to create two chrome web drivers because once the options are set and you have created the driver, you cannot change this later. (But their folder names aren't the same! You can use the code below to open Edge with specific profile: from msedge. chromium. args=[--profile-directory=Profile 8] browserName='chrome' " my. Suppose I execute: chrome. To get the Chrome profile path, we need to input chrome://version/ in the I'm using playwright and TS. Issue with Launching Chrome with Specific User Profile in Selenium Base Hi Michael, I'm encountering an issue when trying to open Chrome with a specific user profile using Selenium Base. My understanding is that the below code should doit, but Katalon still kicks a Chrome with a new user profile : import static com. Or, if you already have a profile directory added there, simply replace it Opening Google Chrome with specific profiles and tabs can streamline your workflow, especially when you need to access particular websites regularly. It is important to use completly seperated user profiles, because when you have your Chrome with your profile open then it don't starts as it's own instance. I noticed that when I run Chrome as Admin and enter my details to do so, it opens and stays open. 5. If you read carefully the documentation of Chromium or use a list of all the options that you can setup on Chromium in the command line, you will quickly find that you can launch Chrome (chromium) with a specific window size using the --window-size flag, for example, to open chrome with a How to open an URL with Google Chrome from command-line with a specific profile? I've so far come up with the following but the --args --profile-directory="Profile 22" part does not seem to pass the argument to Google Chrome:. Click Add person. Example: chrome_proxy. It's quite possible to use the Edit function on the Your profile page to change its name to, say, Profile 2, while this same profile's user data folder is called Profile 5. Found it on this link helpful. Right click your Chrome shortcut and choose Properties. To get the Chrome profile path, we need to input chrome://version/ in the Chrome browser and then press enter. ; Click on Add desktop shortcut, then click on save. exe" --profile-directory="Default" I can also open the Firefox with desired profile from te Python/Selenim script . When I run npm start it opens my default Chrome profile. Share. 3239. Is there a way in chrome to use a specific profile such that the current profile doesn't get affected. Window size/position seems to only work if I use "--user-data-dir". This is the configuration t start "Chrome" "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome. Most contexts have a specific Google profile If you have a window open Chrome will default to the currently running application and add a I had the same issues trying to open an incognito browser to a specific page. It would make my life easier for some test if when running a test Chrome would open would a specific profile, so that I can have some credentials logged in. selenium_tools import Edge, EdgeOptions edge_options = EdgeOptions() edge_options. Also, if using Windows, make sure There's no obvious connection between the name of a profile and the name of its profile directory. If not, create one. What am I doing wrong? Using Python 3, Chrome Version 63. because it's not possible to put a running Chrome user profile into debug mode. Tagged with selenium, google, chrome, How to launch google-chrome with a I made use of chrome. click on the profile picture and then on a different profile). Viewed 9k times I'm trying to find a shell command that will open Google Chrome with specific x and y coordinates (so that I can set the position of the window when it opens. Use Apple Script to open Chrome with specific profile. Tried commands include: selenium-side-runner -c "goog:chromeOptions. bat extension. I'm trying to open a specific chrome profile but presumably due to how quotes should work it gets tripped up. How to open Chrome Browser Network tab and make browser offline using katalon. It also help you load all the data in your ch I need to close all windows of a specific Chrome profile. the way of doing it? How to open a link in new tab of chrome browser using Selenium WebDriver? This below code works Wondering if there's a way to create a desktop shortcut that not only opens a website but also in a specific chrome profile. For example, select it on the Desktop, press Ctrl + C to copy it, then press Ctrl + V to paste. Open up SB in the profile instance that has the open tabs you want to transfer. You must first find the name of the profile directory you want to launch with: open the page edge://version in a new tab and copy the name from the Profile path entry The problem I'm getting is that the browser does open, but it quickly fails as I get a SessionNotCreatedException. --profile-directory="Profile 1" launches and opens my "Personal" profile. profile("MyProfile"); // Enter name of script here console. Using Windows Powershell to Open Browsers. REACT_APP_BROWSER=chrome REACT_APP_BROWSER_ARGS=--profile-directory="Profile 1" Thank you for the hint, however, I would like to use node. I want to drop this Automator Quick Actions into my Stream Deck so I can launch various web sites on specific profiles. essentially i want it to open a certain URL in chrome. add_argument(r"user-data-dir=C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data") and options. When you open Chrome from the command line, it opens the default or last opened Chrome profile. To create and open a new Chrome Profile you need to follow the following steps : Open Chrome browser, click on the Side Menu and click on Settings I’m trying to open a youtube page with my Chrome profile so I don’t have to sign in and do the MFA which ruins the automation. To know your exact User, Just change Profile 1 to Profile 2 or Simply put to open chrome with a specific user you can use a shortcut like, "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome. Mathias Bynens has a wonderful post on how to do this (which is where I got the idea). All gists Back to GitHub Sign in Sign up Was not able to find a solution to target a Chrome window with a specific profile. Open multiple Google Chrome profiles and website tabs with this useful Shortcuts automation. That's it. This is my code from selenium import webdriver from selenium. js and do some operations with after I open the chrome to the specific website like click buttons etc. ; A Opening Google Chrome with specific profiles and tabs can streamline your workflow, especially when you need to access particular websites regularly. yahoo. MOST of the "fixes" start with "open Chrome" Hi all, I noticed in my Microsoft Family setting chrome was set to restricted on my child's profile. I have tried this: taskkill /IM chrome. 0. One item in the list is Profile path, whose last element (after the last '\') is the 'profile directory name,' probably Profile n. As of now Mayank chrome is Please elaborate, because this contradicts what I can do in VS Vue project. There's a super easy way to identify the profile directory: go to chrome://version and check the Profile Path. We need to use the ChromeOptions class to open the default Chrome profile. Open chrome in new tab rather than new windows via powershell start-process. like monitoring apps on which i only want to display stuff. Is there any other way to specify to open the desired chrome profile. profileEnd(); I am trying to get Selenium to open Chrome just as if I was opening it myself, i. You should have a look at looking for some help writing a batch file to use as a joke on my friend. Let's say you want to open two chrome profiles. Currently, I have tried the below method, but it didn't open my Chrome profile. So, Once I define this new “uipath” profile, to run Chrome with it I know these ways: On the command line. google. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Also, made a second chrome profile and stored the folder I am using Google Chrome 34. I used the Katalon configuration builder and it looks like this. Make a directory in your applications folder with the following structure <new app Hence you should always use a customized Chrome Profile as below. Using Google Chrome in Selenium VBA (Installation Steps) 1. io to open a browser instance using a node script. This will store any login cookies you want into the new profile folder. Is If using the user_data_dir option together with uc mode, the user_data_dir MUST be one that was created via tests running in uc mode. Step 2: For the location, type the path to I am trying to open a specific Firefox Profile in selenium via powershell but -Profile switch is not working. I should be logged into my accounts like Facebook. I have a script that starts the browser at some point to go to a specific Webpage. We can open Chrome default profile with Selenium. How to automatically login to Chrome using PowerShell. This help content & information General Help Center experience. Double-click on the bat file and Chrome will open based on the profile that is mentioned in it. Selenium. But when i run the application there isn't any profile authenticated. He even includes a (forked) script that can do most of it for you, but the basics are really simple. You should see a page of data. exe --profile-directory=Default Open Chrome's app properties (Shift+right-click -> Properties), extend the target with --profile-directory="Default" Add Chrome profile specific shortcuts to Windows 10 start menu tiles. howtogeek. On your computer, open Chrome. Selenium opens Chrome by default in incognito mode. Now it could be because that article is outdated so I am asking for the updated method. So the profile rename does not seem to apply to this command-line option. Personal with directory Default). I've tried creating a . Sign in with your work profile and then open the page edge://version. Despite following the usual procedures, I can't seem to get it Launch Chrome with specific profile in PowerShell. I I want Selenium to open and control one of my existing Chrome profile named Selenium. use_chromium = True #Here you set the path of the profile ending with User Data not the profile folder edge_options. How to Create and Manage a Google Chrome Profile. The window-position=3000,0 helps to move the window position to another monitor; Just follow simple steps to have desktop icon with specific user profile. , we can tell Selenium to open Chrome with a specific Chrome profile by providing details to the ChromeOptions object. lnk” “C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Isla - Chrome. I need to close this specific Chrome profile from cmd/bat. I've tried different solutions but none of them work. 1 Unable to open Chrome with specific profile on Katalon Studio. The browser opens but it's ignoring some of the options defined in the desiredCapabilities object. I need to open a chrome on particular profile to login to the application. Here's a nifty way to open chrome on mac with a brand new user profile: open -n -a "Google Chrome" --args --user-data-dir=$(mktemp -d) You have to create a new profile folder and use a different Chrome shortcut with --profile-directory command-line argument to specify the profile's location. Hot Network Questions If space has positive curvature, This article is specifically written to avoid invalid argument exception for argument --user-data-dir with google-chrome and selenium. bing. add_argument However, it is possible to point out the profile which should be used. Expected result: I want to set a Profile to ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS open no matter what. exe" --profile-directory="Guest Profile" 4. Please enable javascript before you are allowed to see this page. Once the account shortcut is created, you will see a Chrome profile icon on the desktop. Right-click on the shortcut and select "Properties. If i set the BROWSER env var to something like firefox (chrome is default) it will open in firefox. The first step is to create a Chrome Profile that contains your gmail account’s information. app"' Run the following Interesting even though I renamed all my profiles "Personal", "Work", "Gaming" --profile-directory="Personal" launches and creates a new blank profile "Profile 4". How can I do this? I'm using webdriver. But since I had used it, I also instructed chromium to I have my console app in c# and try to open Chrome browser with my profile. Chrome for Windows 10 supports the mentioned command line argument, --profile-directory. Method 1. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome. How To Remove A Google Chrome Profile? Remove a Chrome profile is also simple like adding a new one. 3 How to open a The answer is you cannot open two session with 1 user-directory. Clear search Open chrome. via a Windows app), it always uses the most recent Chrome window. ext4 to loop: 128-byte inodes cannot handle dates beyond 2038 and are deprecated A How to open a specific Chrome profile using Webdriver. Re: Open 2 urls with specific chrome profile. You can vote as helpful, but you I'm trying to open Chrome to a specific user while also having a specific window size and position using cmd on windows. I'm using user profile switching in Chrome, which works perfectly fine. 2. Chrome , now all working again , but still opens an empty google chrome profile. 8. How do I adapt this Internet Explorer script to Chrome. You could try to pass --new-window option to open a new window. the one that you use for your normal web browsing). The first block of code in your question comes from my answer A: Use Apple Script to open Chrome with specific profile and it does indeed do exactly what it is programed to do, assuming there are two profiles. See desktop, An shortcut icon will be there of profile 1; Repeat steps for other profiles also For mac, I made a simple application that launches chrome with the --remote-debugging-port for me. If Chrome Profile 1 is minimized, maximize it. Ask Question Asked 2 years, 5 months ago. Except for when I'm clicking links, that are depending on one of the profiles being logged in. kms. AHK Open Chrome with Profile #ahk. from my default Chrome installation available in the opened browser. The is not meant to answer everything asked in your question and is just to give you some guidance on the items mentioned herein. That's why I came up with this hack. 1 How to open Chrome . I would like to run Selenium in a Chrome profile without having to close my Chrome running browsers. Read on to find out how easy it is. Solution: disable JetBrains extension in unwanted profile (e. My code is the following: options = Options() options. I try to set: How to open a specific Chrome profile. No matter what I do, the profile that Selenium loads for chrome is always some temporary . Here is a GIST by use Tset-Noitamotua _Create_Webdriver. I have a separate Chrome profile to do development work in. exe process, I cannot figure out how to close that specific profile. Visit Stack Exchange How to open a Chrome Profile through --user-data-dir argument of Selenium. With sufficient Googling I've still come up short as how to execute the profile target "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome. Stack Exchange Network. com in it. Use the shell script below 👇👇👇 to launch a specific Google C Open Chrome Straight to a Specific Website If you want to save yourself a step and open a specific website in Chrome from the Command Prompt, you can do so by running this command: start chrome www. exe\\shell\\open\\command']: With chrome://version you can find the profile path of your chrome profile i copied the path and add it as an argument but still can't open my chrome profile with Selenium. Thank you for you beautiful answer. exe” --profile-directory=“Profile For the past 2 days, I've been trying to find a way to start Chrome with a different profile but to no avail. Here is path i added to user-data-dir=C:\Users\George\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default This folder consist of 19 extensions folders , so think it's pasted correctly What's going wrong?. 3. add_argument('--profile-directory=Default') in your last code but it still doesn't work Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Just want to open 2 urls with a specific chrome profile that will not already be open (cant do winactivate and then open url) Top. You can also access this feature from the above step when you are trying to edit the Google Chrome profile image. ) Chrome will create profile paths that do not exist yet. Knowing others have this problem too, I’ve been exploring various ways to automate the switch between different contexts quickly. I then logged into the machine as myself and I could open Chrome no worries. There is a profile management window, however, that you can open when you open Chrome to pick the profile you want to use. Syntax Q10: What if I don’t want to set a default profile? Can I manually select a profile each time I open Chrome? A10: Absolutely! If you prefer to choose a profile manually every time you open Chrome, you can simply refrain from Chrome. exe b. It opens chrome. You need to instantiate two web drivers with the profile you want to set. Is it possible to launch Chrome with specific profile from Spotlight on macOS Big Sur? How to open Chrome specific profile from spotlight on macOS Big Sur. To open the profile account, How to create a shortcut to a specific Chrome user profile. At the top right, select Profile . driver", "your\\path\\to\\edge\\webdriver\\msedgedriver. Run Google Chrome with different profiles in Windows. exe" --profile-directory="Profile 1" Copy and paste the above syntax into the Text file and save it as a . Following is the code I am using to open chrome in specific added using; OpenQA. then i was going to disguise it as something like svchost. Here you will find a detailed discussion on How to create and open a Chrome Profile. using OpenQA. Click Save. The failure occurs in the service hooks: @Before("@FrontendTest") public Below is the code for setting the chrome profile : ChromeOptions chromeProfile = new ChromeOptions(); import subprocess chrome = r"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome. If all you need is to open an url in a new Google Here's a somewhat robust way to get the path to Chrome. bash_profile file: # Launch Chrome with given URL from command line alias url='open -a "Google Chrome. I have the following code: def I have checked chrome://version and the profile URL is in fact correct. I think the easiest way to create multiple chrome profile is . How to add arguments to profile chrome or global chrome (with profiles) shortcut? Is there a way I can launch a tab (not a new Window) in Google Chrome with a specific URL loaded into it from a custom app? My application is coded in C# (. Select Create a short cut on the desktop. Whether you are a seasoned Chrome user or new to the platform, this step-by-step tutorial will equip you With AutoHotkey on Windows you can associate a shortcut to open a URL - web page or link - in the default browser with the following script: ^!g:: @harrymc Chrome, If I want to use multiple options like " --new-window --profile-directory=""Profile 1""" I couldn't get them both to work – Thierry Dalon. add_argument("user-data I need a script that opens a specific chrome profile and interacts by opening web pages using that profile. e. md it use Selenium2Library so it is outdated. A regular Chrome browser would reconfigure the user_data_dir in a way such that uc mode would no longer be compatible with it. both Profile 2); they may be very similar (e. Login (if not login) and open chrome with profile 1; Open chrome settings by clicking 3 dots icon; Click on "Customize your chrome profile" Turn on "Create desktop shortcut" toggle. CheckpointFactory. I would like to be able to specify which profile it opens in. About; Thanks, however, it is not exactly what i am looking for. AddArgument("user-data-dir=pathtoProfile\\Profile 3"); // Create a new instance of ChromeDriver with the options By default, Chrome opens to the profile used the last time the browser was opened. name Profile 3 with directory Profile 4) or completely different (e. webdriver. When I go to chrome://version/. Cant Launch a window with Selenium Chrome Driver c#. env file in the root of the project with the following in it. Skip to main content. NET 4 Full). Modified 7 months ago. I might be switching between the two Chrome windows, using one for miscellaneous stuff, and the other for opening all the links in Excel. BAT batch files to open a set of programs, web pages and explorer windows. katalon. There clicking on Manage other people will open a panel. Post by BoBo » Fri Sep 22, 2017 9:39 am They may be identical (e. export BROWSER="/mnt/c/Program Files/Mozilla Firefox/firefox. I'm assuming you have a desktop shortcut for Chrome. Open multiple URLs in the Chrome browser. Select ‘Add’ or ‘Manage profiles’. Commented Aug 8, 2022 at This is an old question, but I was still having a problem getting it to work so I did some more research to understand what was happening. Open Chrome browser, click on the Side Menu and click on Settings on which the url chrome://settings/ opens up. 84, MacOS High Sierra. exe" --profile-directory="Profile 1" Before proceeding with the solution, we need to understand the problem. What I need is to open that app with specific url on the same domain. Whenever I try to open that chrome profile, Chrome opens without my profile, like it was my very first time opening Chrome. It seems that I can either open to a specific profile or mess with the window sizing and positioning, but not both at the same time. Though it doesn't make any difference in your case. UPDATE: 6/3/14 Got this to work BUT only works when opening chrome for the first time. edge. Selects Mayank Profile, enter image description here, opens www. ; Click on that edit button. – Lbj_x Commented Oct 31, 2018 at 13:56 I am working on a service desk and have had a user come down to my desk showing that whenever he opens Chrome, it crashes within 5 seconds. ). exe --profile-directory="profile name" Duplicate your existing Chrome shortcut. Select the profile you want to remove. exe -remote-debugging-port=4000 --user-data-dir=F://chrome in cmd/bat to open a new Chrome profile. side. options import Options opt = Options() opt. . open -a 'Google Chrome' https://www. Example: Launch Chrome with specific profile in PowerShell. <websiteURL>. BoBo Posts: 6563 Joined: Tue May 13, 2014 10:15 pm. Assuming you are seeing /path/to/your/PROFILE, Managing the many hats I wear can get messy to manage digitally. Im trying to get any urls opened from WSL commands to open with a specific Chrome profile, in this case, specifically for aws sso login which triggers a browser login. I located the profile location in chrome://version and used the following code: from selenium import webdriver from selenium. Without this switch, Chrome will simply use whichever profile was I found that when I open my 2nd profile, Chrome creates another task in the Windows 8 task bar and the new Chrome task has a barely perceptible icon Hi I am trying to open a specific chrome user in UIpath I tried this but it does not work Examples of chrome user path name : “C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Amelie - Chrome. Skip to content. Initialize google chrome by calling a variable. I'm trying use Selenium to open chrome using a specific profile. From another post on stackoverflow I found this code which in my case opens a different profile from the one I want. For example: I have 3 profiles for my chrome. Step 4 (Optional): Move your new profile to your working directory Description of the issue: Clicking on the brave launcher often opens a page in a profile that is not what I assume as my “Default Profile” When I click on a link inside another app to “open in browser” Brave is correctly launched but often in a Profile that I did not expect. Not great but I'll take it. To make a shortcut on Windows open a specific Chrome profile directly instead of showing the profile selection dialog, follow these steps: Locate the Chrome shortcut that you want to use for a specific profile. How do I get Chrome to show me the profile chooser so I can specify which Chrome profile to open the link with? I tried the following, but while it opens the profile chooser, it doesn't actually follow the link. You can get the Windows user via echo $env:USERNAME and the AppData\Local folder via 1. console. Window size/position seems to only work if I use --user-data-dir. But they can be misleading! The profile you created when you first ran Vivaldi is referred to -appropriately enough- as Default on the command line. In the Shortcut tab, in the Target field, add --profile-directory="Guest Profile" at the end of the line and click OK. I need to be able to open a Chrome browser with specific profile. I was looking for a similar option in Edge and came across this article which suggests using the Open As option. Commented Feb 15, 2023 I found some information that can be a good starting point. Subsequent profiles are numbered, Profile\ 1, Profile\ 2, etc. setProperty("webdriver. Here's how you can go about doing it; Each Windows user can create multiple Chrome profiles (people) within his realm. Open registry editor In this guide, we will walk you through the straightforward process of setting a Chrome profile as the default option. However I can not use the ”, RF keywords from the Robot Framework. This means that you cannot use one that comes from your default Chrome browser. Once you have created the dedicated New Chrome Profile for your tests you can easily invoke the Chrome Profile This method will help you open the specific chrome profile that you want without creating a new one every time. Hot Network Questions How does concentration of reactants in certain cases cause the products to differ? mkfs. Also, as of now, there is no way to open multiple URLs from the command line. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. I'd like it to open my development profile. python; google Step 3: Login to your web apps. We can open Chrome’s default profile with Selenium. Click on the profile icon in the upper right corner. ; In People section, click on Manage other people on which a popup comes up. 1. (Note that you should do this only if you specifically need Chrome, and not the default browser, or Chromium, or something else. Ultimately what I want to do is when the Page Down key is pressed. Here are the steps to create and manage a profile: Create a new profile: Open Google Chrome. sync_api import sync_playwright with sync_playwright() as p: # browser = p. If Chrome Profile 1 is not opened, open it. How to open a Chrome Profile through --user-data-dir argument of Selenium. com It just opens whatever Profile I had open before I quit Edge down. com and www. Hot Network Questions Precision resistance measurement methods First, you'll find the profile directories in ~/Library/Application\ Support/Vivaldi/ (or Vivaldi\ Snapshot/). My question is if I open a chrome. I want to keep that browsing history separate from the one I actively use. This is the code. exe -remote-debugging-port=4000 --user-data-dir=F://chrome In this video, we will show you how to set a specific user profile as the default profile in Chrome, so that when you open Chrome, it will open that specific Hi @mdmintz I am trying to open a Chrome profile using seleniumbase but am not able to find any documents related to it. If we want to open it with any pre-existing settings like logins, Chrome extensions, etc. core. Please note: if Chrome with JetBrains extension is already running then it will be reused instead of launching new one. Open a PDF from Excel with VBA in Google Chrome on a specific page. Ask Question Asked 4 years ago. Chrome supports a special command line argument, --profile-directory. This thread is locked. g. Other people implementation. I want to open Chrome with Selenium but have the bookmarks, history, cookies, cache, etc. Related questions. exe" subprocess. The problem is Hi All, We would like to run a script launching Chrome with a specific user profile, to be able to use saved password and other cookies. " Chrome offers an option to open a link in a different profile while one is in another profile. Related: How to Create a Windows Shortcut to Open a Specific Profile in Chrome. Javascript is required. comSo, if you wanted to go straight to How-To Geek, you'd run this command: start chrome www. 2 Screenshot with Katalon and Chrome headless mode. The sample code is like below: System. Important: After you remove a profile from Chrome, the profile's bookmarks, history, passwords, and other settings are erased from the computer. I have . add_argument("user-data-dir=C:\\Users\\Ákos\\AppData\\Local\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Profile 1") driver = Hence it will be a better approach if you create a dedicated New Chrome Profile for your tests and configure it with all the required configuration. Ask Question Asked 4 years, 9 months repeat with aProfile in myProfiles do shell script "open -na 'Google Chrome' --args --profile-directory=" & aProfile's quoted form delay 1 tell application "Google Chrome" activate tell front window set I want to open an instance of undetected_chromedriver with a pre-set Chrome profile (basically the same thing as this thread asks about but with undetected_chromedriver (for some reason, this is the # only way Selenium Chrome will not open for specific user, tried fix listed in community (remove default folder, etc. Click Manage people. Create a Desktop Shortcut to Open a URL in a Specific Browser. Modified 1 year, 11 months ago. It seems that I can either open to a specific profile or mess with the window sizing and positioning but not both at the same time. checkpoint. I need to open browser with specific profile first – eltal. findCheckpoint import static I'm trying to open a Chrome browser from VBA. Improve this answer. ; Edit button will light up (after selecting a user). Perhaps that will help you too! On Chrome, go to settings. I'm currently executing my test with the default playwright setup (it's incognito if I remember correctly) and I want to execute some tests with my own chrome profile. I found that Chrome appends \Default to the profile path specified in the user-data-dir. Open your Chrome browser and navigate to chrome://settings/. Is there a Open URL in specific Google Chrome profile. Is there any way to set allow for Geo-Skip to main from selenium import webdriver from selenium. By default Chrome just opens the link in this profile, which was used last. But Chrome still open as a new, nonexistent user. But I can't seem to find the command line switch to specify an user name. In this guide, we’ll Use Browser (Chrome) - How to use "User Data Folder Path" Field to open a specific chrome profile? My question is if I open a chrome. It always open the chrome as a new user. From now on, when you open Chrome, it will show the Profile Management window from where you can Remove a profile. Powershell script from Windows 10 task scheduler not launching Chrome. From the robot-framework SeleniumLibrary documentation The google startup icon typically located at "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application" will open the last open profile(s) by default. A new window will open and ask you to turn on sync which is optional. With that setup i can use my chrome as it is and open my apps on the second or third monitor, e. options import Options options = Options() options. ; Scroll to the user list (people), and click on the user profile you'd like a shortcut for*. exe" To open Google Chrome with a specific profile you have to add --profile-directory=PROFILE. It will show the C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 12\Default So the issue I am having is that chrome is creating a new profile inside the targeted profile. Selenium Chromedriver : How to open a specific Chrome profile. At the top In this Answer, we'll learn how to use a specific Chrome profile in Selenium using Python. If you want to open chrome without user-dir, you can simply open with --incognito it will not store anything or In Edge, switch to the profile you want a shortcut for (e. I can start up a Vue project from Visual Studio 2022 and have it use a specific Chrome profile, even one that is already running AND while other windows of the same profile AND windows/tabs of other profiles are already loaded in multiple windows and/or tabs. I have a chrome profile (called Profile 1) which I would like to control with Selenium. If you have a lot of tabs open and only want to transfer a few, save your current session (so you can restore it after the transfer) and then close all the tabs you don't want to transfer. Thank you. If you need to point out specific profile then you should use profile-directory. saskx gecpf jpogu pty qmgnlllm hdwcg fqey bvfpj yiqvj tkg