Unity get screen width. WorldToScreenPoint(objectRectTransform.
Unity get screen width width/2 was off by 1 when compared to Input. transform. – Tyler Jones Commented Mar 1, 2014 at 7:37 I am trying to create a row out of some square sprites I have. y = Mathf. currentResolution, Display. width returns the width of the editor game view or simulated device screen width when using the simulator. (Screen. width or RectTransform. rect returns unscaled rect of the image. Jul 3, 2019 · I also tried to get the anchoredPosition and also the Corners to make some calculations but it still not working, I always get (0,0,0) or some incoherent numbers. It would be nice to have a simple var to read :). I also created a prefab from a RectTransform. b) The width of the cube cube_w is near 750 while i can see the hole cube in my screen. Static). Width are on the right Numbers. So the cubes size should be smaller than the screen size. 5, you'll return 1. Aug 7, 2020 · How do I get the monitor Screen. 1 = 150 pixels on the screen for that specific resolution and specifc camera size. Leave feedback. size * uiElement. width/… Feb 12, 2020 · What I do for portrait games is calculate the size of a sprite based on the width of the screen. width/4 Feb 13, 2019 · \$\begingroup\$. width do not exist, so I got curious if there was another simple way (instead of UnityEngine. Can you please Apr 1, 2018 · Vector3 lookAtPosition = cameraTank. Currently using LayoutUtility. BeginScrollView ( new Rect ( Screen. orthographicSize. height / uiDocument. position); viewPos. height * 2000)); I cant see whats wrong with the code the Screen. height,0)); and then use stageDimensions. 5 inches high. Example: I need a square taking about 1/18 of the screen. xy + boxCollider2d. Unity: Getting screen size in units (2D) to get half of the total screen width. For example, if Screen. ExclusiveFullScreen you should use Screen. width) / 2; } Screen. Here is the code I’ve used and its result: void Awake() { var rect Unity returns the resolutions the monitor supports and sorts them by width and then by ascending resolution. height/2, Screen. ), Unity will show only the video card available resolutions - and this means no 1:1 aspect ratio resolutions available. I tried to use Screen. If Screen. However when I run this in device screen. resolvedStyle. Log orthographic size, it’s height and width (height*aspect), screen/width, screen Feb 7, 2018 · The goal is to program the ball to bounce on the inside of the camera-border so I don’t have to “cheat” with placing objects with collision boxes as borders & it would also allow to automatically adjust itself to whatever camera/screen size the player is using, but to do that I need to get the size of the camera view. e. Apr 17, 2015 · I am trying to get the screen size from Unity, but all I can set/get is the size of the window, I am looking for the size of the actual screen, not window, anyone know how to do this? Jun 18, 2014 · I am trying to randomly instantiate things within the screen in Unity 2d. bounds, then convert those coordinates to screen coordinates. camera. width: The current width of the screen window in pixels (Read Only). resolutions to determine which resolution to pass to Screen. height Jan 9, 2015 · Hello all, I have a login interface that looks great at a particular resolution but tiny when exported to my phone, for example. Any help is appreciated. Because it is axis-aligned, AND because the camera angle will distort the shape further. width ); } } Apr 28, 2010 · If you want the resolution the screen is currently set to, you can get that with: Screen. width ); } } May 18, 2015 · Well, with the new UGUI in Unity 5, you can use anchoring which mostly eliminates that problem entirely. width is not working as expected. DeviceChange. 2f; float desiredHeightPixels = Screen. main. My canvas is using a CanvasScaler set to “Scale with screen size”. systemHeight and Display. 5, you'll return 0. I need the device native resolution instead. Feb 9, 2017 · Hi, guys! I can’t figure out how to get the actual size of a canvas. The actual pixel size and what’s being returned by multiplying the image width by the canvas X scale differ because the Unity editor applies scaling. Feb 12, 2018 · Works to get the screen's height and width in WinForms or in ASP . What i get is a box that is placed almost in the bottom and a bit to the left. height/2), Screen. width is in pixels so , when I instantiate my object it cross the red line in the picture. And if i maximize on play the box is not even there (guessing its Aug 30, 2012 · For other googlers: Just did a test with Unity 4. pivot; – Unity is the ultimate game development platform. none, "box"); Thank you in advance! Not just scale the output and work with the same logical pixels in width and height. (same pb with Screen. height * 0 - Screen. width is in or around 1080ish. Mar 1, 2011 · You could get the bounding volume using Renderer. width)/ Screen. why is that happening ? regularly i should get a screen width 1280 and a smaller that that cube-width This is the actual width of the player window (in full-screen it is also the current resolution). width the width of the current inspector window comes out, not the actual width of the game view. Let’s say I want my car at x = 1/4 screen width from the right screen bound. Log (" Screen Width : " + Screen. height/16. But not everyone have my resolution, so I used “Screen. . position); Vector2 finalPosition; RectTransformUtility Jan 27, 2020 · Is there a prefered way to get the position and size of a RectTransform in Screen Coordinates, suitable for using in a script to compare with mouse clicks? This is an issue that I have struggled with a lot, trying to use Unitys UI system. 5). Use Unity to build high-quality 3D and 2D games, deploy them across mobile, desktop, VR/AR, consoles or the Web, and connect with loyal and enthusiastic players and customers. width, Screen. pixelRect = new Rect(0, 0, 400, 200); //Set the first Camera as the main Camera m_FirstCamera = Camera. dpi to work out the physical size of the screen and size controls accordingly. using System. Mar 28, 2011 · Hay, how do i get the mouse position on screen? I can get mouse X, but it's in relation to the top left of the screen. Although we cannot accept all Aug 28, 2011 · Also, keep in mind that Screen. PS: in my project I am using a perspective camera Returns the current screen resolution (read only). How do I achieve that? I tried to Debug. legacy-topics. May 19, 2009 · The values you’re getting (631 x 304) are just the editor screen size. width / 2, Screen. The reason is that, if you enable the launch window (from which you can select resolutions, quality, windowed or fullscreen mode etc. width + " " + "screen height: " + Screen. I realized that this was because Screen. Feb 26, 2017 · Yes, there is, but that means that you'll need to get rid of the launch window. currentResolution (before changing it) is the device May 22, 2015 · I’m creating UI elements that need to know their width and height in order to arrange their children correctly. Jan 7, 2019 · Greetings, I’m trying to get the screen space position of a game object I’m rendering in my UI, the object is not properly on my canvas (which is a Screen Space - Camera) so what I’m doing is var point = Viewer. Because the centre of the screen is at (0,0) and the screen is always rectangular, the top-right corner is exactly 50% of the screen size away in both axes, so: Jan 24, 2020 · Expected result: Screen. Dec 8, 2016 · The title says it all. Sep 6, 2015 · Use the camera orthographic size to get the size in screen space (-2 to 2 in x and y) Then scale that by the camera pixel width/height to get size in pixels; EDIT: I’ve added the 2nd approach that handles rotation. What I found was Screen. height, true); Will set the view to fullscreen at without changing the resolution of you screen. Should I use ScreenToWorldPoint , I please how can I use it , in my code , I 'm new to unity. May 1, 2010 · I remember seeing builtin screen size variables in some shader code at some point. myTMPUGUIObject. Are there really any builtin variables for these values? if not there should be. Get the Responsive Fixed Screen Width For Mobile package from KANIYONIKA and speed up your game development process. The min and max of the screen X & Y coordinates will be a bounding box. Reflection. height did in fact switch after rotation of an iOS device. But it’s not. width and height is the right approach. 87f; loginData[0]. Expected result: Screen. thank you . SetResolution because FullScreenMode. Oct 3, 2013 · Hey guys, I am trying to build an Area that works with the screen width (so it adjusts to resolution), but the Area expands to the right instead of staying in the center and spreading out equally. Height and Screen. My LED Monitor has a resolution of 1920 x 1080. width / Screen. Screen screen1 = screens[0]; then you can get the bounds of the screen: System. 5 days ago · This is the actual DPI of the screen or physical device running the application. jpg|87698] so you can see that its width and height are 901. width + ", height: " + objectRectTransform. Display class allows me to get native size of monitor or display in pixels. position = new Vector3((Screen. But this quick test on my Galaxy S5 proves that the numbers from Unity are wrong. I tried reading on Matrix but Jul 31, 2017 · Hi, I’m creating a 2D game and I have the following problems : When I resize the game tab, or use a different resolution, some of the game objects are getting out of the screen, how can I make everything in my game scale to user screen? (size & object positions) Here is how I want the game to look in every screen : Here is how it looks like when I resize the game tab : making it bigger Mar 21, 2012 · I think Unity’s GUI System is too awkward to handle, so I decided to develop my own GUI class. I’m just trying to get it so it stays in the same Nov 15, 2013 · Hey all, Is there a really reliable way of getting the current aspect ratio of the player’s resolution? I want to end up in this sort of situation: switch (GetAspectRatio()) { case "4:3": When we use Screen. According to the Screen Position doc, I would expect this to give a normalized vector with (0, 0) at lower left corner and (1, h/w) at top right corner (where h is the height in pixels and w the width). Is there a way to get it? If not, can I assume that the initial value in Screen. height to get the screen size of current device, then check your target phones screen aspect ratio: For Window Phone, it's 5:3 and 16:9 iPhone: iPhone 3, 4 is 3:2, iPhone 5, 6, 6+ is 16:9 Android phone has many types. mousePosition. zero); Use the Screen class to get a list of supported screen resolutions, switch the current resolution, or hide or show the system mouse pointer. 5, 0. 4 days ago · To achieve this in Shader Graph, I am trying to get the screen position in pixel and divide it by the screen width. Although we cannot accept all Sep 30, 2013 · Hi, while i was making my tiny game i wanted to know the physical screen size of a device in order to know which screen to load. When I use Screen Sep 16, 2019 · If you are using a single mobile device, then get the resolution of it and add it to Unity by clicking on "Game" View -> Click on "Free Aspect" -> Click on "+" and add the width and height of the mobile screen. Density-independent Pixels - an abstract unit that is based on the physical density of the screen Apr 9, 2018 · a) if i read the screen. Wrote code to position the panel relative to the mouse as the mouse moves around. They are equivalent to Screen. Generic; using UnityEngine; public class Example : MonoBehaviour { void Start() { //Output the current screen window width in the console Debug. I just make the sprite width a screenSizeWidth /18 for both width and height. Questions & Answers. 5 has worked always for me) Oct 11, 2014 · Here is what I have: Unity 4. Looks like "Screen" class is used only for game window/full screen but for display as hardware device is used "Display" class. Clamp01(viewPos. width to set the minimum screen width for the spawning, but my game object spawns way off the screen. I am using a portrait camera 2:3 instead of free aspect as my camera view, as i want my game to be in portrait mode Oct 28, 2021 · There is no built-in event, but you can make your own event. I was the mouse position from the center of the screen. Aug 31, 2017 · I’m changing my game resolution using Screen. (my last post) As for the discussion that plagued this topic: pixels are a Unit of measurement: Pixels, abbreviated as “px”, are also a unit of measurement commonly Jul 7, 2021 · If you test the above code out, you will see Unity go between 4 different Screen Modes: Exclusive Full Screen (Unity changes the monitor to match the game, and minimizes the game if you try and do something outside of the game) Full Screen Window (Unity stretches the game to fit the screen) Apr 17, 2009 · Ups…have accidentally erased this but wanted to know how to get width / height of the screen… Apr 4, 2022 · Screen. of 1600x900 on a screen whit reselutoin 1920x1080 it will scale down the reseluton of the screen to the player window reselution, thus when switching to window mode the screen “goes back” to its original reselution makeing Nov 15, 2014 · Use Screen. height/2 but for some reason they’re off. width is 1,620, you won't return 1. width // this only return your rendering screen width Feb 25, 2018 · I dont really get why this doesn’t work: GUI. 2876 to 600. 25 But the screen in real life is over 2. I have tried many different approaches and none of them results correct. Though the two last would probably give you the same value if the large cam covered the whole screen. I’ve created menu for my game and it fits in my native resolution. Thus 3088 x 1440 (75%) will be 2316 x 1080 correctly. WorldToScreenPoint(objectRectTransform. Screen. I’ve tried Screen. height / 2, cameraTank. width * (0. width should give you the width of the game view. height but this doesn’t seem to work for me , Can you tell what’s wrong and suggest the right thing. Auto )] public static extern int GetSystemMetrics(int nIndex); Mar 5, 2022 · seems likely Galaxy S22 Ultra native resolution is 3088 x 1440. ? Aug 22, 2009 · and than you can get the screen one, two, etc. width should give you the width of the game v… [UPDATE] Found THE SOLUTION: Unity: Get Game View Resolution - Kirill Muzykov Works! To explain what is going on: when you are inside a custom Inspector script, Screen. You know, talking about the size and placement of GUI elements and buttons. eyeTextureWidth and XRSettings. Would love a simpler method. In Android development this is fixed using the DP unit. It is probably actually set to ScreenOrientation. BeginArea(new Rect((Screen. Knowing the orthographic size of the camera, It’s then just a case of adding (or subtracting) that value to the camera transform’s position to find out the vertical view bound. Second, “rect” is a property that you can get, you can’t modify the values directly. x = Mathf. GetPreferredWidth(this. rootVisualElement. I used Screen. width will return the Screen. Unity is the ultimate game development platform. position += result . height); Or you can put this into your Update() so you can get the size every time you press the spacebar… And thank you for taking the time to help us improve the quality of Unity Documentation. But if that doesn’t work for you… I’m not really sure about an event off the top of my head, but you could check the Screen. height will return 1080. width gives the actual height/width of the player window, as it seys in the documentaion. Nov 25, 2014 · I don’t have code because I am stuck. Do I need to split strip the GetString? I need to feed Screen. height variables for changes manually. com/course/unity-nosql-dynamodb-player-management-leaderboard May 4, 2015 · I don’t get it, that’s your code? That shouldn’t even compile. rectTransform Jan 3, 2014 · scrollPosition = GUI. SetResolution(monitorWidth, monitorHeight, FullScreenMode. height. renderingResolution return the resolution I set. x = (Screen. unity. 5f/5f)), GUIContent. Forms assembly in your project if it's not a WinForm project. height/width and Screen. Version Returns the canvas display size based on the selected render mode and target display. I ran the Mar 24, 2015 · The problem I find with using Canvas Scaler is that I can’t seem to know the positions of corners in a RectTransform element. Knowing just the resolution wouldn’t be any good, because a phone with a small physical screen can Jan 20, 2023 · Thanks for your reply! It’s unfortunate, that the scale needs to be recalculated manually in order to get the actual size of a visual element. size. width shows -900, . When I check Screen. com How to calculate screen area coverage of a 3D object - Unity Answers. // Update is called once per frame Feb 13, 2014 · This doesn’t make sense to me. Here is the canvas in the inspector: [87698-безымянныи. SetResolution. Aug 27, 2013 · Unity Discussions get screen width and height in world size. For example, this didn't work. First, you’re using “rt” before declaring it. Box(new Rect(Screen. Scene. Log(res. width height? Looks difficult to get . height * 180 - Screen. To illustrate them, I have set up a geometry shader that builds a quad on the fly and is supposed to place these quads at the screen Aug 11, 2023 · Hi! I know two ways to get the width of the visible area of the inspector window: (float)typeof(EditorGUIUtility). width” etc. In effect the compilator souligne the word image in red. width ); } } May 17, 2016 · I am struggling quite a lot to understand what is the correct way of converting from ScreenSpace of the type (Screen. WorldToViewportPoint(selected_GameObject. Assigning to this property dictates to the application what orientation to switch to, but reading from it does not necessarily inform you what orientation the device is currently in. Phones have resolutions of 320 x 480, 480 x 800, 480 x 854 or 540 x 960. However, this is only an approximation. All I want is to center my GUI buttons (they’re created using scripts and using GUI. You can get the size relative to the parent size (ignoring anchors) and other stuff that should come with Unity: Unity Asset Store Unity Asset Store - The Best Assets for Game Making Jan 20, 2018 · Looks like i found solution. width * 0 - Screen. width will return 1920 and Screen. dpi; This will give the physical width and height of the device screen in inches. height * (3f/5f), Screen. Is there any reliable way to get screen size in pixels when running on WebGl? Sep 7, 2012 · I can get the size in pixels with Screen. width * 420 - Screen. I had one layout suitable for smaller screens and another one suitable for big screens. Jan 29, 2015 · RectTransform objectRectTransform = gameObject. void Start() //Output the current screen window width in the console. height); foreach(var res in Screen. width/2), (Screen. height to calculate the physical Screen size. fullScreenMode = FullScreenMode. width works well but not the two instructions image. 1080 / 480 = 2. width returns 300 in browser and 1200 in editor. With integer division, that will truncate and before converting it to a float to return. You can then get the x position of the screen’s left border like this: Apr 19, 2016 · Screen. Because there are devices with the same display size and different resolutions. Apr 17, 2015 · I have a square sprite (width == height) and I want to scale it so that both width and height are exactly one fifth of the width of screen. x and stageDimensions. Here is what I am doing, I am trying to use a orthographic camera to show the GUI assets, this camera’s near Clip is set to 0, and far Clip is set to 50, it means that it has 50 layers, yet I met a problem that I don’t know how to get the width and height of the camera. When I read Screen. 4 soon, fixing the following issue would be greatly appreciated: Screen. 5, and Screen. Because I needed a similar function but the above solutions didn’t take non-default pivots on a RectTransform into account, I’ve picked up adamonline45’s solution and added a position shift by the transforms pivot multiplied by it’s screen size. width or Screen. x and Screen. Success! Thank you for helping us improve the quality of Unity Documentation. But first I atleast need to know how much the Canvas Scaler actually scales the image, because image. g. width, 0, 0)) but it doesn’t work Jul 23, 2015 · Although it’s been a while since this question was active, I’ve stumbled across it and came up with an extended solution. eyeTextureHeight instead. width returns relative to the current window. Height but the objects were appearing way off the screen. Let’s say I have an image and I want to find an upper left corner. FullScreenWindow); STEPS Screen. ‘width’ and ‘height’ on lines 43 and 44 are what you are looking for: answers. Something like: Vector3 stageDimensions = Camera. I’d like to know the width and height of the canvas in world space, not screen space. I want to code the Screen. SetResolution (Screen. There’s not a lot of point in a resolution independent GUI for an iPhone app, since the resolution isn’t going to change unless the hardware changes in some future revision, but running on the device Screen. width but i cant find anything about them now. height, of course) Tks Aug 19, 2016 · I’m trying to get the get the device height and width in inches and using this method. Any suggestions. Note: On Android devices this returns densityDpi which is a logical bucket that contains a range of DPI values. Screen. 5f; // How long to wait until we check again. void Start() { //Disable the second Camera m_SecondCamera. The iPhone screen’s resolution is always going to be 480 x 320. udemy. renderer. width, I think you have to convert the values to world point. resolutions to check for the supported resolution and it says 720 : 1600. point; Debug. Testing it in my Android device: Screen. rect. Drawing. Log("width: " + objectRectTransform. If this is not what I should be using on iPad, where should I get the correct resolution? Or if this is where I should be getting the current resolution, how can I get it to report the correct values? 6 days ago · Version: Unity 6 (6000. 2f; How do I apply these values to the sprite? Jun 19, 2017 · I read unity forums and found that setting RectTransform values and using Screen. I’ve been using the following to calculate the width and height of the element: var rectTransform =… Nov 8, 2017 · I know this has been asked many times, yet the answers are inconclusive. GetComponent<RectTransform> (); Debug. For different screen width the cube’s dimension will change accordingly. Here is the code that is setting the position of the panel: public GameObject goToolTipPanel; // Set in Unity IDE. currentresolution. Graph + result below: Apr 13, 2015 · Size is always relative to anchors does not matter if it comes from RectTransform. Mar 12, 2018 · Is there a way to get the actual width of the visible text when using “auto size” and “wrapping & overflow” are set to “Disabled” and “Truncate”? I need to manually place a cursor at the end of the text within the TextMeshProUGUI field, and auto-size the font size down if the text gets too long. height * 150),scrollPosition, new Rect (Screen. width is about 650 and not 1280 while i press play. cs - using System; using System. 1. width - image. 6) and Apr 3, 2018 · I’m playing about in Unity2D trying to move two separate objects with the analog sticks. width, but how does that translate to the coordinate system? Unity Discussions Get size of screen in x y coordinates Nov 5, 2011 · Alternatively, we could make some educated guesses based on Screen. If you were using the screen resolution, you can easily check if my formula is correct by taking a look at the canvas root component with the scaler: You can check if the scale does follow my formula. It looks like this: I can’t figure out how to automatically scale the UI elements with screen size without writing a bunch of code like this: sizeX = Screen. ScreenToWorldPoint(Vector2. Vector3 pointToTravel = Camera. height, without using these unity functions, I have tried: [DllImport("User32. width, height Screen の width, height でゲーム画面の横幅、縦幅を取得することができます。(読み取り専用) (ゲーム画面サイズ取得用スクリプト) Get the Responsive Fixed Screen Width For Mobile package from KANIYONIKA and speed up your game development process. Log it, The coordinates does not change much when I’m looking near me/far from me… Aug 11, 2013 · Instead of Screen. x); viewPos. anchoredPosition); This 'pointToTravel' variable should hold the screen position in pixels of the ui element. Oct 20, 2022 · Screen. But the OS maybe reduce it to standard resolution 1080 width, this would be 75% of original size. Windows. width height. width/2, 100, 100),"Box in the middle"); The way I understand this, the code should place a 100*100 box with its left top side directly in the middle of the game. No muss, no fuss, except you'll need to reference the System. May 9, 2011 · These two vectors here get the screensize: Vector2 screenBounds = Camera. WorldToScreenPoint(myObject. height shows -5, it doesn't show because i'm using panning tool instead of resize tool, but the real size is really should be as big as the picture above (not -5, not -900, about 180 x 150-ish) \$\endgroup\$ Feb 15, 2014 · Now edgeVector has the co-ordinates for the upper-right corner of the screen. If you are working with VR devices, use XRSettings. bounds. Aug 19, 2016 · float ScreenWidthInch = Screen. In was Unity it was hard to find how to get screenWidth and screenHeight based on screen size. May 20, 2012 · Whole screen which unity can draw in Screen. width is 540, you won't return 0. Jan 10, 2018 · Just to be sure: The width and height are for the screen resolution not the element size. position = Camera This is the actual width of the player window (in full-screen it is also the current resolution). height); // Check for hit. I assume this implementation was chosen to make Gizmo drawing operations easier, however, it also makes it impossible for my Gizmo code to Mar 16, 2011 · Screen. How can I access these values via script? When I tried several functuons, neither of them provided me a needed result. Is it the Oct 21, 2013 · Is there a way to get the game view window size in code? I have looked through the documentation for UnityEditor, GetWindow<>, and exhausted everything I can think of through the arduous try-everything-in-intellisense discovery method, with no results yet. width + " " + res. Oct 5, 2014 · Subtract min from max to get the width and height; Here is an answer that with just a bit of modification will give you those values. Jun 12, 2013 · Hi Guys! I’ve got problem with that Unity GUI. There seems to be dozens of different solutions on the net, may of which seems overly complex for such a simple thing. The current width of the screen window in pixels (Read Only). This happens in WebGl on desktop and mobile browsers. height in code - running in the Unity IDE - I get 1192x635. heingth) to Object/World spaces and the other way around. However, when calling the same API from within OnDrawGizmos, the width of the current scene view window is returned. width/1. GetValue(null, null); EditorGUIUtility. Button) so that they are not too big on small screens and not too small on big screens, that’s all I want, is for it to fit all resolutions, this game is being developed for Android at the moment. If you start in full screen whit a set resolution e. Then I decide on a small, medium, or large scenario. Jan 12, 2015 · But the problem that the value of Screen. So to get the width of these sprites i am using tileWidth = (int)tileSet[0]. Sep 19, 2018 · I want to get device screen resolution in unity. width ); } } Sep 25, 2018 · How can i get Screen size in class without MonoBehaviour class ? public class someClass{ float screenWidth = SomeSolution. height and Screen. Collections. main; } Jan 7, 2017 · In case that someone is wondering how to get the anchor point in screen coordinates (useful for a mouse) just add the following before returning the result result . Form. 25 seconds) void Start() { screenWidth = Screen Nov 17, 2024 · I need some 3d object to be alwayson the edge of the screen & underlay some other 3d objects. Collections; using System. Sep 18, 2010 · I’ve got an iPhone project in U3. No matter what I did was a huge failure. FullScreenWindow; Actual: Scales up to full-screen window with no borders but maintaining low previous screen Mar 29, 2018 · the guy that is working with me created a script called Screen and now unity complains that Screen. This code works when Canvas Scaler → Scale with Screen . As for me, I get the exact same values (unity 5. In your non-UIManager code, you have this expression instead Aug 12, 2022 · If you are sure the device aspect ratio will change in only one direction then set either height or width. currentResolution ie. SizeDelta. GetScreens(); System. Find this & other Camera options on the Unity Asset Store. dpi together with Screen. Debug. Aug 12, 2017 · The issue is I wanted the true size of the image according to it’s actual pixel size on screen. width/height returns the length in pixels and unity goes by its own unit. Mar 8, 2023 · I have a samsung a03 and it's native resolution is 720 x 1600 pixels but when I use Screen width and height in unity it say's 1440 x 648. Width and Screen. height)); Vector2 screenOrigo = Camera. I assume that the width hasn’t been updated as I haven’t run through an update cycle so the Nov 1, 2019 · On mobile, I was planning on using Screen. The best answer seemed to be use: Screen. I know that when the canvas’ render mode is in screen space overlay, the width and height are the same as Screen. enabled = false; //Set where to place the second Camera along with its width and height m_SecondCamera. In different device, different behavior. 975f; sizeY = Screen. So this is way off. 1 Like. I notice that when I instantiate that prefab and request the width, I get the initial width however I want to get the scaled width. width is wrong in editor mode Screen. My problems are in the code. Screen[] screens = func. width; } Jan 19, 2018 · Screen. width / height isn’t going to get you what you want, because they’re both integers, and integer division only gives you the floor of the result, as an integer. NonPublic | System. So if the game is played on a device that has 1920×1080 resolution, Screen. height, Screen. Aug 17, 2019 · Screen. resolutions) { Debug. Jul 21, 2015 · I have a car in my game and as it drives faster, the orthographic size of a camera gets bigger, and so the distance on the screen between camera center and a car gets proportionaly smaller. nearClipPlane)); This should theoretically return me the 3D point I’m looking at ? Because when I Debug. Something like this: May 12, 2020 · public class ToRunOnResize : MonoBehaviour { private float screenWidth; private bool screenStartedResizing = false; private int updateCounter = 0; private int numberOfUpdatesToRunXFunction = 15; // The number of frames you want your function to run after, (usually 60 per second, so 15 would be . width); This is the actual width of the player window (in full-screen it is also the current resolution). For example a portrait game will scale only by height if you switch from 9:16 to 9:18. I don't know which is correct the 1440 x 648 or 720 x 1600. 1 = 5 units in Unity and 15 Unity units equal 15 / 0. I really dont want to have to assign these as global shader values because i need it to work without any code besides the shader itself. width/2 and Screen. Log ("Occluded Bottom Left"); } // TOP RIGHT SetupValuesReadyForCornerCheck (Screen. pixelRect property to get the rect of the camera in pixels. Mar 24, 2016 · Thus 50 pixels on the screen equal 50 * 0. Try the “Rect Transform Extended” asset. Apr 30, 2015 · I need to get the exact center of my screen for placement purposes. The sprites have a rigidbody2D attached (I found characterController had collisions between the two objects which I didn’t want). The bomb appears way off Screen Jan 7, 2021 · Normally, calling Screen. (0. I also use the Screen. Panel’s pivot point is the center (0. ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(Screen. I was so careful to set all my Canvases to Scale with Screen Size, matching on the width (0) since my game is vertical, and what I thought I understood was however I positioned/designed the UI elements on the screen, with that setting it would stretch or shrink according to device screen size. width and Screen. Rectangle screen1Bounds = screen1. Original answer: The coordinates (or location) of the center of the BoxCollider2D is simply its (this code won’t compile) transform. height do return Window Resolution when are called from inside the custom Inspector script. When they go out of bounds of the camera - I want them to stop. 0 and the game tab screen is set to iPad resolution (1024x768). If you need a more precise dpi value, see this forum thread. width ); } } Dec 30, 2020 · Restrict to a scaling mode i. height Thank you in advance. That’s why actual image width was 312 but showing as 960 according to the formula. Panel’s anchors are set to its four corners. Jan 31, 2015 · Hey everyone, I am developing 2D Mobile games( using Orthographic camera Projection ) in Unity3D but I don’t know how to place and scale gameobject so that it fits the device entire width and height like a background image( using sprites for making gameobjects ) I used " Screen. How 2 make it? I tried Camera. On Samsung galaxy s6 they returned 1920:1080(must be 2560:1440). orientation is used to tell the application how to handle device orientation events. currentResolution: The current screen resolution (Read Only). Jun 27, 2011 · As you’re releasing unity 3. The current height of the screen window in pixels (Read Only). width If you changed the view matrix of a camera you can use the cameraObject. This is the actual width of the player window (in full-screen it is also the current resolution). If the player is running in windowed mode, this returns the current resolution of the desktop. AutoOrientation. Bounds; With this code you will get all the properties like Width, Height, etc. y. ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector2(Screen. I’ve compared it to the position of my mouse cursor when I lock the screen. Sep 30, 2020 · How can I get screen size when running on WebGl? I have 1200x800 canvas. Any idea of how to do this correctly? GUILayout. NET. To find the desired pixel width I do: float desiredWidthPixels = Screen. width, to set the maximum screen with and -screen. scale by width and then calculate the ratio between reference resolution and screen resolution; Generate a background visual element that spans the whole screen get its size and combine with the screen size. width ); } } Aug 10, 2016 · I am trying to add UI elements at runtime. height represent resolutions of the currently drawn window (where your Inspector/Editor is). Code: GUI. Both methods are cumbersome or restrictive. I am using the following code to do so: //Check & correct if object is outside of screen boundaries Vector3viewPos = Camera. @Draco18s pointed to Screen class but what i'm looking for is called Display. y); selected_GameObject. dll", ExactSpelling = true, CharSet = CharSet. height/width. height/2 was off by 17 when compared to Input. Oct 24, 2014 · Now, most likely Screen. height); } Here is the output Nov 6, 2021 · How to get screen width and height in Unity! - ZDev-9 Tutorials!Udemy Courses:https://www. I’m using Screen. Tablets have resolutions of 600 x 1024, 768 x 1024, 800 x 1200 or 800 x 1280. BindingFlags. dpi and Screen. offset Feb 27, 2014 · However, you're the the first person i've seen explain that bounds. width returns a wrong value when in editor mode. x; And then to form the row i am u This is the actual width of the player window (in full-screen it is also the current resolution). Important: When you use FullScreenMode. Aladine August 27, 2013, Jul 20, 2022 · Apparently I’m just not getting it after watching several tutorials. in a variable like this: System. height / Screen. GetProperty("contextWidth", System. currentResolution is also wrong. You can view the result in the unity editor itself, if you debug the values. Collections; using UnityEngine; public class DeviceChange : MonoBehaviour { public static event Action<Vector2> OnResolutionChange; public static event Action<DeviceOrientation> OnOrientationChange; public static float CheckDelay = 0. width say… This is the actual width of the player window (in fullscreen it is also the current resolution) It was the width of the inspector window we were looking for. height we get the info for the width and the height of the device’s screen. Log("screen width: " + Screen. If the player is running in window mode, this returns the current resolution of the desktop. 20 elements in a row look huge on an iPad and 30 elements in a row are too small on an iPhone. Suggest a change. C#; Scripting API. currentResolution. width * 120 - Screen. Returns 0 if unable to determine the current DPI. 6 (Beta 20) Scene with Panel UI object. So the top left with be minus something, and the center will be 0. width) Just put that guys Screen class in a namespace. currentViewWidth; But it does return the width, including the scrollView if it has one (some of my content is overlapping the Apr 6, 2020 · Hi, My question is simple, I look for getting width and height of an Image, so I entered the folllowing code (in the Start function) : public image UIImage ; void Start() { image. Close. Aug 26, 2013 · if (CheckIsOccluded (trajectoryStartPoint, trajectory, trajectoryEndPoint)) { //Vector3 targetPosition = hit. Jan 24, 2020 · Found this while trying to solve my own problem: could be similar to this: Screen. Can someone confirm for me how to get the resolution for a mobile device. Generic; using UnityEngine; Dec 29, 2010 · you can check pixel size of a view by using Screen. dpi; float ScreenHeightInch = Screen. Nov 3, 2009 · If you’re using an orthographic camera for a 2d game view, you can specify the size of the camera view using camera. While I can get the objects to stop at the edge of the screen, half the sprite goes out of view as the Nov 1, 2014 · Here is my image in which the red box (Cube GameObject from unity - no sprite ) needs to have a width and height of 1/9 of screen width. The current width of the screen window in pixels (Read Only). Here is my code: Debug. In the build player settings I have Default is Full Screen = true, Default is Native resolution = true. I mean, I want to put Jun 15, 2014 · I am developing a 2D game and want to clamp my object within the screen size. I’ve tried converting to and from Dec 25, 2017 · I have a spawn manager written in c# which spawns my game object, i use screen. x means width, not "the x position" of the object's anchor point. 0) Language English. width. position. ExclusiveFullScreen only works with supported resolutions. The docs for screen. Instead of recalculating the scale depending on the panel settings parameters, I am going the “cheaper” route: scale = Screen. width * 0. Width " but it is not giving the exact values of the Screen size and I also used " ViewportToWorldPoint "method and Jan 3, 2011 · Im developing a Android Game, and to adjust my camera, i need to check the size of the screen of my user, the actual inch of the display, and not the resolution. oxcqj auwgd hxhaxy jvd ksc gsgyqz tixt hkz ivf fjjpwb